Gustavo Zurita

  • Full Professor
    Academic Training
  • Ph.D in Civil Engineering, mention Computer Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 
    Graduated in Computer Science, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia.

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2024 / Improving the Learning Experience in Ethics Education with Groupware: A Case Study / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 14.704
2023 / Retail Indicators Forecasting and Planning / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 29, No. 11
2022 / A Bibliometric Overview of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies / IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies - Vol. 15, No. 6
2022 / Índice de Madurez de Transformación Digital (IMTD) en el sector público / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 22
2022 / Applying the concept of implicit HCI to a groupware environment for teaching ethics / Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Vol. 26, No. 6
2021 / Acciones empresariales frente a la pandemia COVID-19 / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 19
2021 / Leading countries in computer science: A bibliometric overview / JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS - Vol. 40, No. 2
2021 / HCI implícita en una aplicación colaborativa de apoyo a la enseñanza de la ética / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 19
2021 / Twenty-five Years of Journal of Universal Computer Science: A Bibliometric Overview / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 27, No. 1
2020 / A bibliometric overview of the Journal of Network and Computer Applications between 1997 and 2019 / Journal of Network and Computer Applications - Vol. 165
2020 / Bibliometrics in computer science: An institution ranking / JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS - Vol. 38, No. 5
2019 / Planning of urban public transportation networks in a smart city / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 25, No. 8
2018 / Twenty-Five Years of Group Decision and Negotiation: A Bibliometric Overview / GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATION - Vol. 27, No. 4
2016 / Understanding student participation in undergraduate course communities: A case study / INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS - Vol. 18, No. 1
2016 / Achieving better usability of software supporting learning activities of large groups / INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS - Vol. 18, No. 1
2015 / Characterization of an Ad-Hoc Geo-referenced BPM supported by Microblogging / IEEE Latin America Transactions - Vol. 13, No. 6
2014 / Developing Distributed Collaborative Applications with HTML5 under the Coupled Objects Paradigm / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 20, No. 13
2014 / Key indicators for assessing the design of geocollaborative applications / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING - Vol. 13, No. 2
2014 / An application framework for developing collaborative handheld decision-making tools / BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Vol. 33, No. 5
2014 / Integrating Decision-Making Support in Geocollaboration Tools / GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATION - Vol. 23, No. 2
2014 / Using the cloud to develop applications supporting geo-collaborative Situated Learning / Future Generation Computer Systems - Vol. 34
2013 / Analyzing two participation strategies in an undergraduate course community / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 8, No. 224
2013 / Multiple views for supporting lifelong, highly contextual and ubiquitous social learning / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 8.276
2012 / Mobile, Collaborative Situated Knowledge Creation for Urban Planning / SENSORS - Vol. 12, No. 5
2011 / Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 17, No. 2
2009 / MC-Supporter: Flexible Mobile Computing Supporting Learning though Social Interactions / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 15, No. 9
2008 / Using PDA in Meetings: Patterns, Architecture and Components / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 14, No. 1
2008 / A collaborative Face-to-Face Design Support System based on Sketching and Gesturing / Advanced Engineering Informatics - Vol. 22, No. 3
2007 / Mobile sensemaking: Exploring proximity and mobile applications in the Classroom / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 13, No. 10
2007 / A Conceptual Framework Based on Activity Theory for Mobile Cscl / British Journal of Educational Technology - Vol. 38, No. 2
2006 / Estudios Comparativos de Estructuras Financieras para empresas a países Latinoamericanos y de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 10
2006 / Servicios Móviles de apoyo a la localización y asignación de recursos / Estudios de información y control de gestión -
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 4.275
2005 / Handheld-Based Electronic Meeting Support / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE -
2005 / Dynamic grouping in collaborative learning supported by wireless handhelds / Educational Technology and Society - Vol. 8, No. 3
2004 / A Constructivist Mobile Learning Environment Supported by a Wireless Handheld Network / Journal of Computer Assisted Learning - Vol. 20, No. 4
2004 / M-Commerce: la siguiente generación de comercio / No. 148
2003 / Valuation of Investment Companies in Chile / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 10, No. 2
2007 / A Platform For Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
Book Chapters
2016 / Computer science research in artificial intelligence / Vol. 2.223
2011 / Development of a Mobile Situation Awareness Tool Supporting Disaster Recovery of Business Operations / Vol. 13
2008 / Visually- Driven Decision Making Using Handheld Devices
2008 / Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / No. 4.488
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
2022 / Preface
2014 / Dealing with incomplete and uncertain context data in geographic information systems
2013 / Integrating various cloud computing services in a collaborative geo-referenced learning scenario
2010 / Supporting Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Mobile Working Scenarios / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Learning with Patterns: an Effective Way to Implement Computer Supported Pervasive Learning
2010 / Integrating Spatial Data and Decision Models in a E-Planning Tool / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Geo-Referenced Collaborative Psychotherapy: Design and Evaluation of a Low-fidelity Prototype
2010 / Collaborative Geo-referenced Knowledge Creation for Designing and Planning
2009 / MCPresenter: A Mobile Tool Supporting Various Collaborative Learning Practices in the Classroom
2009 / Developing Collaborative peer-to-peer Applications on Mobile Devices
2008 / A Platform Supporting the Implementation of Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / Vol. 5.236
2008 / Risk Assessment in Healthcare Collaborative Settings: A Case Study Using Shell
2008 / Evaluating a Mobile Emergency Response System. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. / Vol. 5.411
2008 / Using Mobile Devices to Foster Social Interactions in the Classroom
2008 / Supporting Crisis Management Processes by Wirelessly Interconnected Tablet-PCs
2008 / Mobile Learning with Patterns / No. 1
2008 / Mobile Collaborative Knowledge Management System
2008 / Supporting Rich Interaction in the Classroom with Mobile devices
2007 / A Framework Like a Tool for Specify Motivating Collaborative Learning Participatory Simulations
2007 / A Platform for Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
2007 / A Flexible, Lightweight Middleware Supporting the Development of Distributed Applications Across Platforms
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / Vol. 4.275
2006 / Servicios basados en la localización: Características y su Ámbito Aplicación
2006 / Mobile Location-Based Services for Facilitating the Meeting of Persons on Request
2006 / A face-to-face system for supporting mobile collaborative design using sketches and pen-based gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2006 / An ad-hoc Wireless Network Architecture for Face-to-Face Mobile Collaborative Applications / Vol. 3.894
2006 / A face-to-face System for Supporting Mobile Collaborative Design using Sketches and Pen-Based Gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2005 / Mobile-Service para favorecer encuentros del tipo cara-cara
2005 / E-Services Personalizados
2005 / A comparative usability study of two different technologies in a specific domain with children
Columna de Opinión
2015 / ¿Qué falta para que se masifique la banca digital en Chile?
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations
2007 / Mobile Computing to Seamlessly Integrate Formal and Informal Learning
Competitive Research Awards Received