Andrés Gómez-Lobo

  • Associate Professor
    Academic Training
  • Minister of Transport  and Telecommunications
    Ph.D. in economics, University College London
    MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, University College London.
    Bachelor Economics (Commercial Engineering), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2024 / Long-Run Labour Income Distribution Dynamics: The Case of Chile 1990-2017 / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 51, No. 2
2022 / Optimal prices for ridesourcing in the presence of taxi, public transport and car competition / TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES - Vol. 137
2021 / Baumol's cost disease and urban transport services in Latin America / Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - Vol. 149
2020 / Transit reforms in intermediate cities of Colombia: An ex-post evaluation / Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - Vol. 132
2020 / Does ride-hailing increase or decrease vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT)? A simulation approach for Santiago de Chile / International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - Vol. 14, No. 3
2015 / The entry of a hard discount supermarket: price effects / INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES-JOURNAL OF REGIONAL RESEARCH - No. 31
2014 / Monopoly, Subsidies and the Mohring Effect: A Synthesis / TRANSPORT REVIEWS - Vol. 34, No. 3
2012 / Institutional Safeguards for Cost Benefit Analysis: Lessons from the Chilean National Investment System / Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis - Vol. 3, No. 1
2011 / Affordability of Public Transport A Methodological Clarification / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy - Vol. 45, No. 3
2011 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS - Vol. 48, No. 4
2010 / Aspectos institucionales para potenciar la evaluación social de proyectos en transporte: lecciones de América Latina / No. 80
2009 / A New Look at the Incidence of Public Transport Subsidies A Case Study of Santiago, Chile / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy - Vol. 4, No. 3
2008 / The use of airport charges for funding general expenditures: The case of Chile / Journal of Air Transport Management - Vol. 14, No. 6
2008 / Subsidios cruzados en los servicios aeronauticos y en la red aeroportuaria de Chile / Revista de Analisis Economico - Vol. 23, No. 1
2007 / Why competition does not work in urban bus markets: Some new wheels for some old ideas / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy - Vol. 41
2007 / Third-party reactions to employee (mis)treatment: A justice perspective / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy -
2006 / El financiamiento de gastos generales mediante las tarifas aeronáuticas en Chile: una crítica económica / Estudios Publicos -
2005 / Limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / Transport Reviews - Vol. 25, No. 2
2003 / Water subsidy policies: A comparison of the Chilean and Colombian schemes / World Bank Economic Review - Vol. 17, No. 3
2003 / Water Subsidy Policies: A comparison of the Chilean and Colombian schemes / WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW - Vol. 17, No. 3
2003 / Yardsticks on the road: Regulatory contracts and cost efficiency in the Norwegian bus industry / Transportation - Vol. 30, No. 4
2001 / Utilities privatization and the poor: Lessons and evidence from Latin America / World Development - Vol. 29, No. 7
2001 / Utilities privatization and the poor: Lessons and evidence from Latin America / World Development - Vol. 29, No. 7
2001 / A law of large numbers: Bidding and compulsory competitive tendering for refuse collection contracts / REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Vol. 18, No. 1
Book Chapters
2009 / Mergers, Prices and Consantration in the Supermarket Industry: The Case of Chile
2007 / Bottom-up or Top-down benchmarking in natural monopoly regulation: The case of Chile and the United Kingdom
Research Monographs
2012 / Develando econométricamente los impactos del Transantiago en la contaminación atmosférica de Santiago de Chile / No. 355
2011 / Monopoly, subsidies and the mohring effect: a synthesis and an extension / No. 336
2011 / Aspectos institucionales para potenciar la evaluación de proyectos de transporte: Lecciones de América Latina / No. 337
2007 / La relación entre los precios de los alimentos y la concentración de los supermercados en Chile: evidencia de un modelo dinámico de panel y análisis de los impactos de las fusiones propuestas en la industria / No. 249
2007 / Un ejercicio comparativo de las tarifas de Banda Ancha entre Chile y otros países del Mundo / No. 255
2007 / Social Policy, Regulation and Private Sector water supply: the case of Colombia / No. 252
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / No. 258
2007 / Affordability of public transport: a methodological clarification / No. 261
2007 / Affordability and Subsidies in Public Urban Transport: What Do We Mean, What Can Be Done? / No. 4.440
2007 / A New Look at the Incidence of Public Transport Subsidies: A Case Study of Santiago, Chile / No. 253
2006 / Desagregación en Internet de Banda Ancha en Chile / No. 226
2003 / The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / No. 205
2003 / Determinación de la eficiencia operativa en la regulación de monopolios naturales: El uso de la informacion de consultores versus competencia por comparaciones / No. 204
2003 / Choice complexity in a Stated Choice Experiment: valuing environmental resources in Chile / No. 206
2001 / Yardsticks on the road: regulatory contracts and cost efficiency in the Norweian Bus Industry
2001 / La regulación de las empresas sanitarias en Chile: una revisión del caso de EMOSy una propuesta de reforma regulatoria
2000 / En busca del Oro: ¿Qué determina el éxito en competencias deportivas internacionales?
Columna de Opinión
2008 / Mitos sobre el impuesto a los combustibles
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2007 / La política social en Telecomunicaciones en Colombia / No. 22
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform
2007 / Colombia