Ariadna Jou

    Formación Académica
  • Ph.D. en Economía, University of California, Los Angeles

    M.A. en Economía, University of California, Los Angeles

    MSc Economics of Public Policy, Barcelona School of Economics

    B.A. Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

  • Ariadna Jou es Profesora Asistente del Departamento de Economía. Es Ph. D. en Economía de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles, y Magíster en Economía de Políticas Públicas de la Barcelona School of Economics.

    Se ha especializado en economía laboral, finanzas públicas e historia económica. El primer semestre de 2024 dictará el curso de Introducción a la Economía, y el segundo semestre Tópicos en Historia Económica en los programas de postgrado.

    Se desempeñó como asistente de investigación e instructora en UCLA.

    Campos de Investigación
  • Economía laboral, finanzas públicas e historia económica
Publicaciones en Revistas con Comité Editorial
2025 (Forthcoming) / Early maternity and paternity. Effects on educational trajectories / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS - Vol. 173, No. 103.404
2024 (Forthcoming) / The company you keep: Renegotiations and adverse selection in transportation infrastructure / Economics of Transportation - Vol. 38
2023 / Optimal incentives for managerial innovation / North American Journal of Economics and Finance - Vol. 68
2022 / Private Finance of Public Infrastructure / Annual Review of Financial Economics - Vol. 14
2021 / The ways of corruption in infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht case / Journal of Economic Perspectives - Vol. 35, No. 2
2021 / Organizational innovation capabilities. Empirical evidence from B2B contexts / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 37, No. 161
2020 / Harsh parenting during early childhood and child development / Economics & Human Biology - Vol. 36, No. 100.831
2020 / Information within coalitions: risk and ambiguity / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 69, No. 1
2020 / Credit Scoring using Three-Way Decisions with Probabilistic Rough Sets / INFORMATION SCIENCES - Vol. 507
2020 / Lane’s Algorithm Revisited / MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - Vol. 67, No. 5
2019 / Fifty years of Transportation Research journals: A bibliometric overview / Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - Vol. 120
2019 / The Place Premium: Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers / REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS - Vol. 101, No. 2
2019 / Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibria without divisible goods / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 84
2019 / Understanding affective evaluation in retail: consumers perspective / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 32, No. 4
2018 / The Joy of Flying: Efficient PPP Contracts / TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL - Vol. 114
2017 / Determinants of trust towards tourist destinations / Journal of Destination Marketing & Management - Vol. 6, No. 4
2017 / Customer Engagement in a Big Data World / Journal of Services Marketing - Vol. 31, No. 2
2017 / Existence of a competitive equilibrium when all goods are indivisible / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 72
2017 / Understanding corporate reputation through satisfaction in emerging markets / International Journal of Sales, Retailing, and Marketing - Vol. 6, No. 2
2017 / Simultaneous Preference Estimation and Heterogeneity Control for Choice-based Conjoint via Support Vector Machines / Journal of the Operational Research Society - Vol. 68, No. 11
2015 / Too arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice / ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES - No. 131
2015 / Characterization of an Ad-Hoc Geo-referenced BPM supported by Microblogging / IEEE Latin America Transactions - Vol. 13, No. 6
2015 / Advanced Conjoint Analysis using Feature Selection via Support Vector Machines / EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH - Vol. 241, No. 2
2014 / Risk and Public-Private Partnerships / CESifo DICE Report - Vol. 12, No. 3
2014 / Familiaridad con los destinos turísticos. rol de la percepción de beneficios / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 30, No. 132
2013 / Highway networks and PPPs: An alternative to traditional public provision? / Network Industries Quarterly - Vol. 15, No. 1
2013 / The Basic Public Finance of Public-Private Partnerships / Journal of the European Economic Association - Vol. 11, No. 1
2013 / Characterizing the efficient points without closedness or free-disposability / Central European Journal of Operations Research - Vol. 21, No. 2
2013 / Acculturation and Individualism as Predictors of Work-Family Conflict in a Diverse Workforce / HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW - Vol. 52, No. 5
2013 / Equilibrium with limited-recourse collateralized loans / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 53, No. 1
2012 / Development and proposal of a scale for measuring the image of tourist destinations (IMATUR) / RBGN-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios - Vol. 14, No. 45
2012 / Trust in tourist destinations. The role of local inhabitants and institutions / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 51
2012 / Mobile, Collaborative Situated Knowledge Creation for Urban Planning / SENSORS - Vol. 12, No. 5
2011 / Innovation, R&D investment and productivity in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 104
2011 / Wage inequality in Latin America: a decade of changes / Cepal Review - No. 103
2011 / The effectiveness of private school franchises in Chile's national voucher program / SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT - Vol. 22, No. 3
2011 / The determinants of labour force participation and employment in Chile / APPLIED ECONOMICS - Vol. 43, No. 21
2011 / Stock-touting through spam e-mails: a data mining case study / Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management - Vol. 22, No. 6
2011 / An Empirical Test of an Innovation Implementation Model / Psychologist-Manager Journal - Vol. 14, No. 4
2011 / Enhancing entrepreneurship. The role of goal orientation and self-efficacy / JOURNAL OF CAREER ASSESSMENT - Vol. 19, No. 2
2011 / Intergenerational income and educational mobility in urban Chile / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 38, No. 1
2011 / Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 47, No. 3
2011 / On equilibrium existence with endogenous restricted financial participation / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 47, No. 1
2011 / Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 17, No. 2
2011 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS - Vol. 48, No. 4
2010 / When Schools Are the Ones that Choose: The Effects of Screening in Chile / SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY - Vol. 91, No. 5
2010 / Cultural Factors in Women's Labor Force Participation in Chile / FEMINIST ECONOMICS - Vol. 16, No. 2
2010 / The role of performance measure noise in mediating the relation between task complexity and outsourcing / Journal of Management Accounting Research - Vol. 22, No. 1
2010 / Green accounting and sustainability of the Peruvian metal mining sector / RESOURCES POLICY - Vol. 35, No. 3
2010 / Landscape components, land use, and neighborhood satisfaction / ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN - Vol. 37, No. 3
2010 / A model updating strategy for predicting time series with seasonal patterns / APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING - Vol. 10, No. 1
2010 / New Estimates for the Shadow Economies All Over the World / International Economic Journal - Vol. 24, No. 4
2010 / Intergenerational income mobility in a less developed, high inequality context. The case of Chile / B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY - Vol. 10, No. 1
2010 / Core equivalence and welfare properties without divisible goods / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 46, No. 4
2010 / The impossibility of effective enforcement mechanisms in collateralized credit markets / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 46, No. 3
2010 / En la misión de escoger un sistema de información de recursos humanos (IRSH) efectivo - evaluando su rol y factores claves de éxito. / Horizontes Empresariales - No. 1
2010 / Dossier: información y catástrofe / Cuadernos de información - Facultad de Comunicaciones. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Impresa) - No. 26
2009 / Multinationals and Plant Exit: Evidence from Chile / International Review of Economics & Finance - Vol. 18, No. 1
2009 / Determinants of world manufacturing to China, 1990-2006 / Cepal Review - No. 98
2009 / Agriculture and National Well-being in the World / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 76, No. 303
2009 / Determinantes de determinantes univesitario: ¿importa la habilidad relativa? / Calidad en la educación - No. 30
2009 / Renegociación de concesiones en Chile / Estudios Publicos - No. 113
2009 / Avances y Tendencias de los Gobiernos Corporativos. Estado actual de las buenas practicas en las empresas chilenas / No. 158
2009 / The role of personality and goal orientation in student preferences for job attributes / Canadian Journal of Career Development - Vol. 8, No. 1
2009 / Foreign Branding: Examining the Relationship Between language and Internacional brand Evaluations. / INNOVAR-Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales - Vol. 20, No. 35
2009 / Socio-economic and geographic profiling of crime in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 98
2009 / Determinants of consumer evaluations of brand extensions in Chile and comparison against global evidence / ESIC market : economic and business journal - No. 132
2009 / A market game approach to differential information economies / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 38, No. 2
2009 / MC-Supporter: Flexible Mobile Computing Supporting Learning though Social Interactions / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 15, No. 9
2008 / Transparencia en la Gestión Pública con Tecnologías de Información / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 3, No. 6
2008 / Un Marco para la Elaboración de los Programas de Impresión y Acuñación / Economia Chilena - Vol. 11, No. 1
2008 / Estereotipos de Género en la Publicidad: Un Análisis de Contenido de las revistas Chilenas. Gender stereotypes in advertising: A content analysis of Chilean magazines / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 41
2008 / Factores determinantes en la configuración de un modelo de responsabilidad social corporativa desde la perspectiva del consumidor. Una aplicación a la industria de los supermercados / Estudios de información y control de gestión - Vol. 14, No. 1
2008 / Measuring supermarket service quality: Proposal for a scale / International Journal of Services and Standards - Vol. 4, No. 1
2008 / Exploring the dark side of information Systems in achieving organizational agility / Communications of the ACM - Vol. 51, No. 11
2008 / The real-time enterprise / HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW -
2008 / Containing cost at Codelco Chile / CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL - Vol. 129, No. 3
2008 / Chile's Codelco faces challenges / CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL - Vol. 129, No. 2
2008 / Sistema de Gestión de Personal para el Canal de Ventas de Metro S.A / Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas - Vol. 22
2008 / Market Orientation, Knowledge-Related Resources and Firm Performance / Journal of Business Research - Vol. 61, No. 6
2008 / Indice de Transparencia en la Revelación de Información publicada en el Mercado de Capitales Chilenos / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 14
2008 / The influence of institutional investors on the transparency of Chilean capital market. Influencia de los inversionistas institucionales en la transparencia del mercado de capitales chileno / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 40
2008 / Redistribución de riqueza usando derechos de consumo / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 75, No. 1
2008 / Open market share repurchase and earnings management / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 15, No. 1
2008 / Forecasting and Forecast-Combining of Quarterly Earning-per-share via Genetic Programming / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 15, No. 2
2008 / The competitive role of the transmission system in price-regulated power industries / Energy Economics - Vol. 30, No. 4
2008 / Propuesta de una escala para medir la calidad del servicio de los centros de atención secundaria de salud / Revista de administración pública - Vol. 42, No. 4
2008 / Customer satisfaction and loyalty: start with the product, culminate with the brand / JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING - Vol. 25, No. 5
2008 / Wealth transfers and the role of collateral when lifetimes are uncertain / Economic Theory - Vol. 36, No. 3
2008 / Collaterallized assets and asymmetric information / Journal of Mathematical Economics - Vol. 44, No. 5
2008 / Las estrategias de mediación parental televisiva que usan los padres chilenos. Television Parental Mediation Strategies Used by Chilean Parents / Cuadernos de información - Facultad de Comunicaciones. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Impresa) - No. 23
2008 / El Product Placement como Herramienta Promocional / No. 155
2008 / Using PDA in Meetings: Patterns, Architecture and Components / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 14, No. 1
2008 / A collaborative Face-to-Face Design Support System based on Sketching and Gesturing / Advanced Engineering Informatics - Vol. 22, No. 3
2007 / Openness and the International Allocation of Foreign Direct Investment / Journal of Development Studies - Vol. 43, No. 7
2007 / Construcción de la confianza del consumidor hacia la banca en Internet. Un análisis de los factores de la imagen corporativa / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 14, No. 1
2007 / Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by Integer Programming / Interfaces - Vol. 37, No. 6
2007 / Inequality of Outcomes vs. Inequality of Opportunities in a Developing Country: An exploratory analysis for Chile. / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 34, No. 2
2007 / Logo Selection and Modification Guidelines: an empirical international validation in Chile / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 14, No. 1
2007 / Determinantes de la Estructura de Financiación. Evidencia empírica para Chile. / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 74, No. 293
2007 / Técnicas avanzadas para la predicción de la variación del Ishare MSCI Brasil Index (EWZ) / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 12
2007 / Spatial Peak-load Pricing / Energy Economics - Vol. 29, No. 2
2007 / General equilibrium in CLO markets / Journal of Mathematical Economics - Vol. 43, No. 6
2007 / Mobile sensemaking: Exploring proximity and mobile applications in the Classroom / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 13, No. 10
2007 / A Conceptual Framework Based on Activity Theory for Mobile Cscl / British Journal of Educational Technology - Vol. 38, No. 2
2007 / Third-party reactions to employee (mis)treatment: A justice perspective / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy -
2007 / Creditor Protection and Credit Response to Shocks / WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW - Vol. 21, No. 3
2007 / Concentration and foreign penetration in Latin American banking sectors: Impact on competition and risk / Journal of Banking & Finance - Vol. 31, No. 6
2007 / Bank Ownership and Performance. Does politics matter? / JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE - Vol. 31, No. 1
2006 / Libre Comercio en América Central: ¿Con Quién y Para Qué? Las Implicancias del CAFTA / No. 37
2006 / Remoteness and Real Exchange Rate Volatility / IMF STAFF PAPERS - Vol. 53
2006 / Quantifying the Costs of Investment Limits for Chilean Pension Funds / Fiscal Studies - Vol. 27, No. 1
2006 / New linkages for protected areas: Making them worth conserving and restoring / Journal for Nature Conservation - Vol. 14
2006 / Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte 1942-2005 / Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias - No. 22
2006 / La responsabilidad civil ambiental, el daño al medio ambiente y su valor: una aproximación legal y económica / Revista de derecho ambiental (Santiago. Impresa) - No. 2
2006 / Cómo Gestionar Capacidad. Una Aplicación de la Sector Salud / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 2, No. 4
2006 / Contención de Costos en Codelco Chile / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 2, No. 3
2006 / ¿Es sexista la publicidad Gráfica Chilena? Comparando evidencia internacional con la realidad chilena / No. 151
2006 / Constrained consumptions, Lipschitzian demands and regular economies / Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications - Vol. 131, No. 2
2006 / An intrinsic characterization of free disposal hypothesis / Economics Letters - Vol. 92, No. 3
2006 / A nonconvex separation property and some applications / Mathematical Programming - Vol. 108, No. 1
2006 / Does Competition in Privatized Social Services Work? The Chilean Experience / World Development - Vol. 34, No. 4
2006 / Estrategias de posicionamiento basadas en la cultura del consumidor: un análisis de la publicidad en televisión / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 22, No. 100
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 4.275
2006 / Competition regimes and air transport costs: The effects of open skies agreements / Journal of International Economics - Vol. 70, No. 1
2006 / Bank Ownership and Lending Behavior / ECONOMICS LETTERS - Vol. 93, No. 2
2005 / Tax Reform for Human Development in Central America / Cepal Review - No. 87
2005 / Reforzamiento escolar para niños de bajos ingresos: ¿Funciona?
2005 / ¿Estimando el retorno a la educación o a los no observables?: Evidencia de datos de panel / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 32, No. 2
2005 / Relación entre EVA y los Retornos Accionarios de Empresas Chilenas Emisoras de ADRs / No. 149
2005 / Entendiendo las volatilidades cíclicas de la cuenta de capitales y del PIB: un estudio de panel para países latinoamericanos / Macroeconomía del Desarrollo - No. 42
2005 / Linear Penalization Support Vector Machines for Feature Selection / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - No. 3.776
2005 / Grupos Estratégicos en la Industria Vitivinícola Chilena / No. 149
2005 / Responsabilidad social y empresarial: una mirada integral / No. 150
2005 / Estimando la Demanda Residencial por Electricidad en Chile: El Consumo es Sensible al Precio / Cuadernos de Economia - Latin American Journal of Economics - Vol. 42, No. 125
2005 / El costo de falla residencial en Chile: una estimación usando la curva de demanda / Revista de Analisis Economico - Vol. 20, No. 2
2005 / Handheld-Based Electronic Meeting Support / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE -
2005 / Dynamic grouping in collaborative learning supported by wireless handhelds / Educational Technology and Society - Vol. 8, No. 3
2005 / Limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / Transport Reviews - Vol. 25, No. 2
2004 / Agricultural Productivity and its Determinants: Revisiting International Experiences / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 31, No. 2
2004 / La utilización de opciones en los pactos de accionistas de las sociedades anónimas / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 11, No. 2
2004 / Precio Unitario: Un Difícil Comienzo / No. 147
2004 / An Integrated Framework for the Conceptualization of Consumers' Perceived Risk Processing / JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE - Vol. 32, No. 4
2004 / A Constructivist Mobile Learning Environment Supported by a Wireless Handheld Network / Journal of Computer Assisted Learning - Vol. 20, No. 4
2003 / El encaje y la entrada neta de capitales: Chile en el decenio de 1990 / Cepal Review - No. 81
2003 / The effects of privatization on firms and on social welfare: the chilean case / No. 456
2003 / Valuation of Investment Companies in Chile / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 10, No. 2
2002 / Collateral avoids Ponzi schemes in incomplete markets / Econometrica - Vol. 70, No. 4
2001 / Aspectos metodológicos en la investigación cross-cultural / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 26
2001 / Utilities privatization and the poor: Lessons and evidence from Latin America / World Development - Vol. 29, No. 7
2001 / A law of large numbers: Bidding and compulsory competitive tendering for refuse collection contracts / REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Vol. 18, No. 1
2000 / Foreign Investment in Developing Countries: Does it Crowd In Domestic Investment? / Oxford Development Studies - No. 146
2000 / Harvesting in a pelagic fishery: The case of Northern Chile / Annals of Operations Research - Vol. 94
1999 / La Orientación al Mercado en una nación en desarrollo: Un Estudio de Validación con Empresas Chilenas / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 22
1999 / Market-Oriented Culture, Knowledge-Related Resources, Reputational Assets, and Superior Performance: A Conceptual Framework / Journal of Strategic Marketing - Vol. 7, No. 4
1998 / Regulation of Privatized Utilities: the Chilean Experience / World Development - Vol. 26, No. 6
1997 / La Política Fiscal y el Ciclo Económico / Cepal Review - Vol. 61, No. 61
1997 / The Outage Cost in Chilean Industry / Energy Economics - Vol. 19, No. 4
1994 / Regulatory ues in the Privatization of Public Utilities: the Chilean Experience / Vol. 34, No. 1
1987 / La devaluacion esperada. Una aproximación bayesiana: Chile 1974-1984 / Cuadernos de Economia - Latin American Journal of Economics - Vol. 24, No. 71
2008 / Television y Opinion Pública
2007 / Administración Estratégica y Política de Negocios Conceptos
2007 / Economic Growth Equity: Challenges for Latin America
2007 / Global Integration in Pursuit of Sustainable Human Development: Analytical Perspectives
2007 / Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development
2007 / A Platform For Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
2006 / Business cycle responses and the resilience of the chilean economy
2006 / Economic Growth with Equity. Challenges for Latin America
2005 / Políticas educacionales en Chile: Vouchers, concentración, incentivos y rendimiento
Capítulos de libros
2011 / Development of a Mobile Situation Awareness Tool Supporting Disaster Recovery of Business Operations / Vol. 13
2010 / Estrategia de desarrollo para los derechos económicos y sociales / No. 1
2010 / Innovation Perspectives of a personal Financial Services Call Centre
2010 / Seminario Reforma a la Institucionalidad Ambiental. Implicancias y desafíos
2009 / Economía Evolucionista : Historia y Desarrollos Recientes
2009 / Chapter 7 Nicaragua: Remembrance of Growth Past
2009 / Chapter 1 Binding Constraints to Growth in Latin America: An Overview
2009 / La inversión extranjera: ¿hacia una política vertical ?
2009 / The effectiveness of Franchises and Independent Private Schools in Chile´National Vouchers Program
2009 / Comentarios sobre el legado del paradigma evolutivo darwiniano en las ciencias sociales y la teoría de juegos
2008 / Realidad económica de America Latina
2008 / The struggle for tax reform in Central America
2008 / Visually- Driven Decision Making Using Handheld Devices
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / No. 4.488
2006 / Economic growth in Central America
2006 / Reforming water policies in Latin America: Some lessons from Chile and Ecuador
2006 / Air
2000 / Globalization, liberalization, and human and social development in Central America
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
2019 / Understanding affective evaluation in retail: consumers perspective
2011 / start-ups success using public funds: university versus industry sponsorship
2010 / Supporting Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Mobile Working Scenarios / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Learning with Patterns: an Effective Way to Implement Computer Supported Pervasive Learning
2010 / Integrating Spatial Data and Decision Models in a E-Planning Tool / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Geo-Referenced Collaborative Psychotherapy: Design and Evaluation of a Low-fidelity Prototype
2010 / Collaborative Geo-referenced Knowledge Creation for Designing and Planning
2009 / Patrones característicos de pymes exportadoras: comparación entre chile y españa mediante cluster difusos
2009 / Analysing Fraudulent Stock Market Manipulations. A Data Mining Case Study
2009 / Brand Personality outside the developed world: Evidence from Chile
2009 / MCPresenter: A Mobile Tool Supporting Various Collaborative Learning Practices in the Classroom
2009 / Developing Collaborative peer-to-peer Applications on Mobile Devices
2008 / A Platform Supporting the Implementation of Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / Vol. 5.236
2008 / Computing the Information Value of Information in Non-restricted Quadratic Bayesian Games
2008 / Risk Assessment in Healthcare Collaborative Settings: A Case Study Using Shell
2008 / Evaluating a Mobile Emergency Response System. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. / Vol. 5.411
2008 / Using Mobile Devices to Foster Social Interactions in the Classroom
2008 / Supporting Crisis Management Processes by Wirelessly Interconnected Tablet-PCs
2008 / Mobile Learning with Patterns / No. 1
2008 / Mobile Collaborative Knowledge Management System
2008 / Supporting Rich Interaction in the Classroom with Mobile devices
2007 / A Framework Like a Tool for Specify Motivating Collaborative Learning Participatory Simulations
2007 / A Platform for Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
2007 / The Role of Market-Oriented Culture on Knowledge-Related Resources Development and Superior Performance: An Empirical Test in Latin America
2007 / A Flexible, Lightweight Middleware Supporting the Development of Distributed Applications Across Platforms
2006 / Forecasting Gold Price Changes: Rolling And Recursive Neural Network Models / Vol. 18, No. 5
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / Vol. 4.275
2006 / Servicios basados en la localización: Características y su Ámbito Aplicación
2006 / Mobile Location-Based Services for Facilitating the Meeting of Persons on Request
2006 / A face-to-face system for supporting mobile collaborative design using sketches and pen-based gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2006 / An ad-hoc Wireless Network Architecture for Face-to-Face Mobile Collaborative Applications / Vol. 3.894
2006 / A face-to-face System for Supporting Mobile Collaborative Design using Sketches and Pen-Based Gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2004 / Charitable Behavior and Rationality: Individual Motivations for Contributing to Public Goods
Research Monographs
2014 / Urban Transport: Can Public-Private Partnerships Work? / No. 6.873
2011 / Public-private partnerships and infrastructure provision in the united states / No. 277
2010 / VaR Limits for Pension Funds: An Evaluation / No. 22.574
2010 / Equilibrium with limited-recourse collateralized loans / No. 313
2010 / On equilibrium existence in infinite horizon economies / No. 315
2010 / A direct proof of the existence of pure strategy equilibria in large generalized games with atomic players / No. 311
2010 / Intellectual property rights, human capital and the incidence of R&D expenditures / No. 5.217
2010 / Complementariedad entre TIC's e I+D: Un Análisis con Paneles Dinámicos / No. 326
2010 / The second welfare theorem with public goods in general economies / No. 318
2010 / Diferencias en el comportamiento defensores públicos en el contexto de la reforma procesal penal chilena / No. 319
2010 / The effects of lengthening the school day on female labor supply: evidence from a quasi-experiment in Chile / No. 323
2010 / Efectos de las actividades artísticas en el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y no cognitivas en estudiantes vulnerables: el caso de la orquesta de Curanilahue / No. 325
2009 / Skill Upgrading and the Real Exchange Rate / No. 519
2009 / Determinants of International New Ventures in Spain: The Case of the SMEs of Madrid
2009 / Innovation, R&D Investment and Productivity in Latin American & Caribbean Firms: The Chilean Case
2009 / Trabajadores por Cuenta Propia: ¿Quienes Son? ¿De Donde Vienen? ¿Para Donde Van? / No. 308
2009 / Pension Payouts in Chile: Past, Present, and Future Prospects
2009 / Satisfacción moral como variable explicativa de diferencias salariales en Chile / No. 301
2009 / Determinantes de los salarios en las carreras de ingeniería comercial y contador auditor / No. 299
2009 / Industrial policy in Chile / No. 294
2009 / Soft Budgets, Renegotiations and Public-Private Partnerships
2009 / Educational transitions, voucher and choice in Chile: Evidence from Panel Data SIMCE 2004-2006 / No. 13
2009 / The relationship between Inequality of Outcomes and Inequality of Opportunities in a high-inequality country: The case of Chile / No. 292
2008 / Exit in Developing countries: economic reforms and plant heterogeneity / No. 506
2008 / David versus Goliath: The impact of Chinese Competition on Developing Countries / No. 48
2008 / With additional enforcement mechanisms, does collateral avoid ponzi schemes? / No. 278
2008 / Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles / No. 284
2008 / Fiat money and the value of binding portfolio constraints / No. 283
2008 / Intellectual property rights, human capital and the incidence of R&D expenditures / No. 277
2008 / Renegociación de concesiones en Chile / No. 262
2008 / Nicaragua: A la búsqueda del crecimiento perdido / No. 275
2008 / Business Performance and Family Ownership, the Chilean Case
2008 / Female labor force participation in chile: How important are cultural factors?
2008 / Chile: Universities and the national innovation system. An initial scoping study / No. 287
2007 / Social Policy, Regulation and Private Sector water supply: the case of Colombia / No. 252
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / No. 258
2007 / Affordability and Subsidies in Public Urban Transport: What Do We Mean, What Can Be Done? / No. 4.440
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: ¿Una Década de Cambios? / No. 59
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Who's Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 234
2007 / The role of social networks in employment outcomes of Bolivian women / No. 251
2007 / Participación Laboral Femenina en Chile. ¿Cuánto importan los factores culturales? / No. 235
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: Una Década de Cambios / No. 262
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Wh´s Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 248
2007 / Recent Findings on Intergenerational Income and Educational Mobility in Chile / No. 244
2007 / El Impacto De Estudiar Economía Sobre La Cooperación Social: Evidencia Experimental De Estudiantes Chilenos / No. 260
2006 / Rates of Return for Industrial R&D in Chile / No. 220
2006 / Openness and the international allocation of foreign direct investment
2006 / Determinantes de la confianza del consumidor aragonés hacia la compra a través de Internet: Un estudio confirmatorio del comportamiento de compra / No. 20
2006 / Evaluacion del marco institucional y de gestion ambiental en Chile
2005 / A market game approach to differential information economies / No. 512
2005 / Agriculture and National Welfare around the World / No. 3.499
2005 / Core equivalence and welfare properties without divisible goods
2005 / Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibrium without divisible goods
2005 / Indivisible goods and fiat money
2005 / Core equivalence and walfare properties without divisible goods
2004 / Indivisible goods and fiat money
2004 / Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso en un País en Desarrollo: El Caso de Chile / No. 210
2003 / Quantifyng the costs of investment limits for chilean pension funds / No. 248
2003 / The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / No. 205
2003 / Choice complexity in a Stated Choice Experiment: valuing environmental resources in Chile / No. 206
2002 / Eficiencia técnica y escalas de operación en pesca pelágica: un análisis de fronteras estocásticas (Pesquería Centro-Sur en Chile) / No. 179
2002 / The equilibrium manifold with boundary constraints on the consumption sets
2002 / Inequality, Segregation and the Chilean Labour Market / No. 193
2002 / Chilean Labor Market Efficiency: An Earning Frontier Approach / No. 190
2002 / Crimen y disuasión Evidencia desde un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas para las regiones de Chile
2001 / Yardsticks on the road: regulatory contracts and cost efficiency in the Norweian Bus Industry
1999 / Cuenta corriente y desvíos transitorios en términos de intercambio y volúmenes de exportaciones: Chile 1985-1999 / No. 49
1996 / Capital Account Regulation and Macroeconomic Policy: Two Latin American Experiences / No. 162
Columna de Opinión
2020 / Retiro del 10%
2007 / Académicos opinan sobre la IFRS: una norma más financiera que contable
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2008 / Asignación Inicial de Derechos de Propiedad sobre Recursos Naturales como Instrumento de Protección Ambiental en Chile
2007 / Mobile Computing to Seamlessly Integrate Formal and Informal Learning
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations
Competitive Research Awards Received
2009 / Pagos por servicios ambientales en areas protegidas en América Latina
2009 / Manual de Capacitación: Pago por Servicios Ambientales en Áreas Protegidas en América Latina
2008 / Simposio Igualdad de Oportunidades
2007 / La política social en Telecomunicaciones en Colombia / No. 22
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform
2007 / Colombia
2007 / When Schools Are the Ones That Choose: Policy Analysis of Screening in Chile / No. 242
Competitive Research Awards Received