Damian Clarke

  • Profesor Asociado
    Formación Académica
  • Ph.D. en Economía, Universidad de Oxford

    Magíster en Economía para el Desarrollo, Universidad de Oxford

  • Damian Clarke es Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Economía e Investigador Asociado en el Instituto de Economía Laboral IZA en Alemania, el Centro de Cambio Micro-Social, Essex, el Instituto de Estudos para Políticas de Saúde (Brasil), y el Centro de Estudios de Economías Africanas de Oxford. 

    Su investigación se centra en temas de Fertilidad, Salud Materna e Infantil, y en Métodos de Microeconometría Aplicada.  Damian recibió su Doctorado en Economía de la Universidad de Oxford en 2016, y un Magíster en Economía para el Desarrollo de Oxford en 2012. 

    Ha participado en proyectos financiados por varias organizaciones internacionales incluyendo el Banco Mundial, UNESCO, UNU-WIDER, y CAF Banco del Desarrollo de América Latina, generalmente enfocado en educación o salud en América Latina y África occidental.


    Campos de Investigación
  • Fertilidad, Salud Materna e Infantil, y en Métodos de Microeconometría Aplicada.
Publicaciones en Revistas con Comité Editorial
2024 (Forthcoming) / Dynamic Impacts of Lockdown on Domestic Violence: Evidence from Multiple Policy Shifts in Chile / REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS - Vol. 1
2023 / Maternal mortality and women's political power / Journal of the European Economic Association - Vol. 21, No. 5
2023 / The use of quantile methods in economic history / Historical Methods - Vol. 56, No. 2
2022 / Adult Female Height and the Gender Gap in Chile, 1860s-1990s / JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY - Vol. 53, No. 2
2021 / Implementing the panel event study / Stata Journal - Vol. 21, No. 4
2021 / Abortion Laws and Women’s Health / JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS - Vol. 76
2021 / On the Value of Birth Weight / Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - Vol. 83, No. 5
2020 / The Romano–Wolf multiple-hypothesis correction in Stata / Stata Journal - Vol. 20, No. 4
2020 / Height of Male Prisoners in Santiago de Chile during the Nitrate Era: The Penalty of being Unskilled, Illiterate, Illegitimate and Mapuche / International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Vol. 17, No. 17
2020 / Growing together: assessing equity and efficiency in a prenatal health program / Journal of Population Economics - Vol. 33, No. 3
2020 / The Twin Instrument: Fertility and Human Capital Investment / Journal of the European Economic Association - Vol. 18, No. 6
2020 / New anthropometric evidence on living standards in nineteenth-century Chile / Economics & Human Biology - Vol. 36
2019 / Twin Birth and Maternal Condition / REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS - Vol. 101, No. 5
2019 / The demand for season of birth / JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS - Vol. 34, No. 5
2018 / Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs / Stata Journal - Vol. 18, No. 3
2018 / Children and their parents: A review of fertility and causality / Journal of Economic Surveys - Vol. 32, No. 2
2017 / Assessing Plan B: The Effect of the Morning After Pill on Children and Women / ECONOMIC JOURNAL - Vol. 127, No. 607
Research Monographs
2020 / Implementing the Panel Event Study / No. 497
2018 / Abortion Laws and Women's Health / No. 11.890
2017 / On the Value of Birth Weight / No. 2.017
Columna de Opinión
2021 / La pandemia oculta
Competitive Research Awards Received
2020 / COVID-19 y distanciamiento social: El impacto en violencia intrafamiliar e inequidad de género
2020 / Contraceptive reforms and womens Health-The role of public policy and political Economy
Professional practice standards or Public Policy
Competitive Research Awards Received
Professional practice standards or Public Policy