School Council

The School Council defines our academic and institutional development policies, in line with the parameters and strategic objectives set by the University’s Senate. Chaired by the Dean, its membership includes Heads of School and Directors of Department plus, where relevant, Directors of associated Institutes and Centers. Individual academics may also serve, as per regulations, as School Council Members (Consejeros de Facultad).

The Associate Dean attends Board meetings in a non-voting capacity, acting as official Secretary. Members of the University Senate may also be invited to attend in a non-voting capacity; as do representatives of the major associations or organizations of academics, students, and School support staff.

José De Gregorio


Enrique Manzur

Associate Dean

Rodrigo Uribe

Director of the School of Graduate Studies

Jaime Miranda

Director of the Undergraduate School of Information Systems and Auditing

Javier Núñez

Director Director of the Department of Management

Ariel La Paz

Director of the Department of Management and Information Systems

Fabian Duarte

Director of the Department of Economics

Mauricio Jara

School Councilor

Eugenia Andreasen

School Councilor

Sebastián Ugarte

School Councilor

José Olivares

School Councilor

Sebastián Maldonado

School Councilor

Gino Loyola