Jaime Ruiz-Tagle

  • Associate Professor
    Academic Training
  • Ph.D. en Economía, University of Cambridge.
    Master of Arts in Economics, University of Cambridge.
    Bachelor Economics (Commercial Engineering), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2022 / Household overcrowding trajectories and mental well-being / SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE - Vol. 296
2018 / The Effects of Micro Entrepreneurship Programs on Labor Market Performance: Experimental Evidence from Chile / American Economic Journal-Applied Economics - Vol. 10, No. 2
2017 / The Cost of Dementia in an Unequal Country: The Case of Chile / PLoS One - Vol. 12, No. 3
2017 / The dynamic role of specific experience in the selection of self-employment versus wage-employment / OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS-NEW SERIES - Vol. 69, No. 1
2016 / Debt trajectories and mental health / SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE - Vol. 167
2016 / Borrowing Constraints and Credit Demand in a DevelopingEconomy / JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS - Vol. 31
2015 / The cost of dementia: The case of chile. Results of the cuideme study / JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES - Vol. 357, No. 1
2015 / More but not better jobs in Chile? The Fundamental Importance of Open-ended Contracts / INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW - Vol. 154, No. 2
2012 / Impact Evaluation of Chile Solidario: Lessons and Policy Recommendations / JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES - Vol. 44
2011 / Chile: early retirement, impatience and risk aversion / Cepal Review - No. 105
2009 / Riesgo Financiero de Los hogares. HOUSEHOLDS' FINANCIAL VULNERABILITY / Economia Chilena - Vol. 12, No. 2
2007 / Forecasting Wage Inequality. Prediciendo la desigualdad de salarios / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 34, No. 2
Book Chapters
2010 / Households Financial Vulnerability
2009 / Worker Flows and Labor Dynamics in Chile: A Retrospective Story
Research Monographs
2013 / Over Indebtedness and Depression: Sad Debt or Sad Debtors? / Vol. 385
2013 / Micro-Entrepreneurship Training and Asset Transfers: Short Term Impacts on the Poor / Vol. 380
2013 / Migración y Mercado Laboral en Chile / Vol. 376
2012 / Brechas por Género en Aversión al Riesgo / No. 373
1998 / Chile: 40 años de desigualdad de ingresos
Columna de Opinión
2021 / Un sándwich para discutir el salario mínimo
2020 / Realidad migratoria
2010 / Contando Pobres: Otra vez esas confusas cifras
2010 / US$ 500 millones para la reconstrucción
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2011 / Household Finance: Learning From the Chilean Experience
Competitive Research Awards Received
2022 / Evaluación de Largo Plazo del Programa de Apoyo al Micro Emprendimiento
2022 / Micro-entrepreneurship Programs Effectiveness