Roberto Álvarez

  • Full Professor
    Academic Training
  • Ph.D. in Management, UCLA, Los Angeles.
    Master of Arts in Economics, University of California Los Angeles.
    Master of Arts  in Economics, Universidad de Chile.
    Bachelor Economics (Commercial Engineering), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2023 / Understanding R&D transitions: From bottom to top? / Economic Systems - Vol. 47, No. 4
2021 / Commodity price shocks and poverty reduction in Chile / RESOURCES POLICY - Vol. 70
2020 / Competition, selection, and productivity growth in the Chilean manufacturing industry / INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE - Vol. 29, No. 3
2020 / A comparative analysis of medicine prices in Latin America / Cepal Review - Vol. 2.020, No. 130
2018 / Minimum Wage and Productivity: Evidence from Chilean Manufacturing Plants / ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE - Vol. 67, No. 1
2017 / Impact of knowledge obstacles on Chilean firms's innovation / Journal of Technology Management and Innovation - Vol. 12, No. 3
2016 / Banking competition and firm-level financial constraints in Latin America / Emerging Markets Review - Vol. 28
2016 / Product Mix Changes and Performance in Chilean Plants / INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE - Vol. 25, No. 6
2015 / Foreign Technology Acquisition and Changes in the Real Exchange Rate / WORLD ECONOMY - Vol. 38, No. 4
2015 / Productivity, Trade, and Development in Latin America / EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE - Vol. 51, No. 1
2015 / Heterogeneous effects of financial constraints on innovation: Evidence from Chile / Science and Public Policy - Vol. 42, No. 5
2015 / Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Chile / EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE - Vol. 51, No. 3
2014 / Access to banking finance and exporting / INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE - Vol. 23, No. 6
2013 / Is Previous Export Experience Important for New Exports? / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - Vol. 49, No. 3
2013 / Financial development, exporting and firm heterogeneity in Chile / REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS - Vol. 149, No. 1
2013 / Trade exposure, survival and growth of small and medium-size firms / International Review of Economics & Finance - Vol. 25
2012 / Determinants of Export Diversification around the World: 1962-2000 / WORLD ECONOMY - Vol. 35, No. 3
2012 / Multinationals as Stabilisers? Economic Crisis, Access to Finance, and Employment Growth / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - Vol. 48, No. 7
2012 / Is the Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices Declining? Evidence from Chile / EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE - Vol. 48, No. 1
2012 / Liquidity Crises and Corporate Cash Holdings in Chile / DEVELOPING ECONOMIES - Vol. 50, No. 4
2012 / Trade Liberalization and Industry Dynamics / OPEN ECONOMIES REVIEW - Vol. 23, No. 4
2012 / Specialization dynamics and natural resources abundance / REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS - Vol. 148, No. 4
2012 / Consorcios tecnológicos en Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Uruguay / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 79, No. 313
2011 / Innovation, R&D investment and productivity in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 104
2011 / Export transitions / Journal of International Trade & Economic Development - Vol. 20, No. 2
2011 / Effects of Chinese Imports on Relative Wages: Microevidence from Chile / SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS - Vol. 113, No. 2
2011 / Entry into Export Markets and Product Quality / WORLD ECONOMY - Vol. 34, No. 8
2010 / Exit in Developing Countries: Economic Reforms and Plant Heterogeneity / ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE - Vol. 58, No. 3
2010 / Productividad, innovación y exportaciones en la industria manufacturera chilena / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 77, No. 305
2010 / Crisis Financiera y Uso de derivados cambiarios en empresas exportadoras / Economia Chilena - Vol. 13, No. 3
2010 / Economic crisis and organizational change in developing countries: evidence from Chile / International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development - Vol. 3, No. 1
2009 / Evaluation of Short Run Inflation Forecasts in Chile / Money Affairs - Vol. 22, No. 2
2009 / Skill Upgrading and the Real Exchange Rate / WORLD ECONOMY - Vol. 32, No. 8
2009 / Multinationals and Plant Exit: Evidence from Chile / International Review of Economics & Finance - Vol. 18, No. 1
2009 / Determinants of world manufacturing to China, 1990-2006 / Cepal Review - No. 98
2008 / Is exporting a source of productivity spillovers? / REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS - Vol. 144, No. 4
2005 / Exporting and performance: evidence from Chilean plants / Canadian Journal of Economics - Vol. 38, No. 4
2002 / The Impact of Licenses on a "Late Starter" LDC: Chile in the 1990s / World Development - Vol. 30, No. 8
Book Chapters
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
Research Monographs
2014 / Does Competition Spur Innovation in Developing Countries / No. 388
2014 / Access to Banking Finance and Exporting / No. 387
2013 / Household Debt During the Financial Crisis: Micro-Evidence from Chile / No. 695
2013 / Household Debt during the Financial Crisis: Micro-Evidence from Chile / Vol. 383
2013 / Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Chile / Vol. 384
2009 / Skill Upgrading and the Real Exchange Rate / No. 519
2009 / Innovation, R&D Investment and Productivity in Latin American & Caribbean Firms: The Chilean Case
2009 / Determinants of Export Diversification around the World: 1962-2000 / No. 309
2008 / Productividad, innovación y exportaciones en la industria manufacturera chilena / No. 476
2008 / Exit in Developing countries: economic reforms and plant heterogeneity / No. 506
2008 / David versus Goliath: The impact of Chinese Competition on Developing Countries / No. 48
2002 / The Impact of Licenses on a "Late Starter" LDC: Chile in the 1990s / No. 180
2002 / Determinantes del desempeño exportador de las firmas Chilenas: evidencia en la industria manofacturera / No. 186
1999 / Productividad y apertura en Chile: 15 años más tarde
Columna de Opinión
2017 / Diversificación de exportaciones y rol de ProChile
2017 / Informe de U. Chile: se debe aumentar recursos de ProChile y potenciar su unidad de estudios
2017 / Flexibilidad cambiaría: la ideología y la evidencia
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2016 / Commodity Boom and Economic Growth
Competitive Research Awards Received