Javier Núñez
- Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Oxford.
Bachelor Economics (Commercial Engineering), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Academic Training
Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
● 2021
The Escape from Malnutrition of Chilean Boys and Girls: Height-for-Age Z Scores in Late XIX and XX Centuries
/ International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Vol. 18, No. 19
● 2021
Expectations of trustworthiness in cross-status interactions
/ Social Science Research - Vol. 99
● 2020
Signaling in Monetary Policy near the Zero Lower Bound
/ The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics - Vol. 20, No. 1
● 2019
Who differentiates by skin color? Status attributions and skin pigmentation in Chile
/ Frontiers in Psychology - Vol. 10, No. 1.516
● 2018
The effects of a tripartite ‘participative’ university senate on university governance: the case of the University of Chile
/ Cambridge Journal of Education - Vol. 48, No. 6
● 2017
Adolescence - a Transition to Adulthood Proceedings of the 24th Aschauer Soiree, held at Jurata, Poland, November 5th 2016
/ Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews PER - Vol. 14, No. 3
● 2015
Does self-regulation work? Experimental evidence of the reputational incentives of Self-Regulatory Organizations
/ APPLIED ECONOMICS - Vol. 47, No. 41
● 2015
Trends in physical stature across socioeconomic groups of Chilean boys, 1880-1997
/ Economics & Human Biology - Vol. 16
● 2014
MOVILIDAD OCUPACIONAL EN CHILE 2001-2009 ¿Desigualdad de ingresos con igualdad de oportunidades?
● 2012
Determinantes individuales y del entorno residencial en la percepción de seguridad en barrios del Gran Santiago, Chile / Revista INVI (Impresa) - Vol. 27, No. 74
● 2011
The relationship between Income Inequality and Inequality of Opportunity in a high-inequality country: the case of Chile
● 2011
Intergenerational income and educational mobility in urban Chile / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 38, No. 1
● 2010
Intergenerational income mobility in a less developed, high inequality context. The case of Chile / B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY - Vol. 10, No. 1
● 2009
Socio-economic and geographic profiling of crime in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 98
● 2009
Estudios de economía y cooperación social. Un estudio experimental con estudiantes universitarios en Chile
/ TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 76, No. 303
● 2007
Inequality of Outcomes vs. Inequality of Opportunities in a Developing Country: An exploratory analysis for Chile. / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 34, No. 2
● 2007
Can Self Regulation Work? A Story of Corruption, Impunity and Cover-Up
/ Journal of Regulatory Economics - Vol. 31, No. 2
● 2006
Los Precios del Poder: La bolsa electoral U. de Chile/U. Chicago / No. 156
● 2005
Economistas de Alto Nivel en Chile / No. 149
● 2005
Signed with an x: methodology and data sources for analyzing the evolution of literacy in latin american and the caribbean / Latin American Business Review - Vol. 40, No. 2
● 2004
DISCRIMINACIÓN Y MERITOCRACIA en el mercado laboral en Chile / No. 147
● 2002
Green national accounting: The case of Chile's mining sector / ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS - Vol. 7
Book Chapters
● 2021
Game Theory
● 2009
La Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso y la Educación en Chile
● 2009
Comentarios sobre el legado del paradigma evolutivo darwiniano en las ciencias sociales y la teoría de juegos
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
● 2016
Stunted Growth
/ Vol. 13, No. 4
Research Monographs
● 2016
El funcionamiento del Senado Universitario triestamental y su efecto en la gobernanza universitaria: el caso del Senado de la Universidad de Chile
/ No. 423
● 2009
The relationship between Inequality of Outcomes and Inequality of Opportunities in a high-inequality country: The case of Chile / No. 292
● 2007
Recent Findings on Intergenerational Income and Educational Mobility in Chile / No. 244
● 2007
El Impacto De Estudiar Economía Sobre La Cooperación Social: Evidencia Experimental De Estudiantes Chilenos / No. 260
● 2007
Dime cómo te llamas y te diré quién eres: la ascendencia como mecanismo de diferenciación social en Chile / No. 269
● 2005
Incentivos Reputacionales para la Autorregulación: Un Análisis Experimental
● 2004
Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso en un País en Desarrollo: El Caso de Chile / No. 210
● 2004
Classism, Discrimination and Meritocracy in the labor Market: the case of Chile / No. 208
● 2003
Choice complexity in a Stated Choice Experiment: valuing environmental resources in Chile / No. 206
● 2002
Crimen y disuasión Evidencia desde un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas para las regiones de Chile
● 2000
La autorregulación como concepto regulatorio
Competitive Research Awards Received
● 2023
The Tocqueville Paradox in Chile and Latin America? Dissecting The Effects of Social Mobility on Deservingness, Redistribution, and Prosociality / No. 1.231.651
● 2016
Antecedent Social Factors of Moral Behaviour: Expectations, Decisions and Justificatory Principles in Social Dilemmas
/ No. 1.161.624
● 2008
Simposio Igualdad de Oportunidades
Competitive Research Awards Received
● 2007
Un análisis del mecanismo de licitación de servicios de defensa: incentivos perversos, oferta criminal
/ No. 1.070.856
● 2003
Un análisis experimental de los incentivos reputacionales de la autorregulación bajo información asimétrica
/ No. 1.030.812