Paula Margaretic

    Formación Académica
  • Ph.D. Business Administration, Finance track, University of Toulouse, Francia, 2012.

    Master in Financial Markets and Intermediaries (Quantitative Master), Toulouse School of Economics, Francia, 2007.

    Magister en Economía, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2003.

    Licenciatura en Economía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2001.

  • Profesora Asistente, Departamento de Administración, Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile. Su investigación se centra en tres áreas generales de las finanzas: las finanzas internacionales, la banca y la economía financiera. En particular, sus líneas de investigación se pueden agrupar en dos temáticas principales: los efectos de las fricciones financieras y los problemas de información, y los efectos de pares y spillovers. Previamente la Prof. Margaretic ha trabajado tanto en el ámbito público y privado, en las Universidades Adolfo Ibañez y San Andrés en Argentina, en el Banco Central de Chile, Airbus SAS, en el Banco Santander, en la Secretaria de Industria de Argentina, como consultora en el Banco Mundial, entre otros.

Publicaciones en Revistas con Comité Editorial
2025 / Early maternity and paternity. Effects on educational trajectories / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS - Vol. 173, No. 103.404
2024 (Forthcoming) / The company you keep: Renegotiations and adverse selection in transportation infrastructure / Economics of Transportation - Vol. 38
2023 / Optimal incentives for managerial innovation / North American Journal of Economics and Finance - Vol. 68
2022 / Private Finance of Public Infrastructure / Annual Review of Financial Economics - Vol. 14
2021 / The ways of corruption in infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht case / Journal of Economic Perspectives - Vol. 35, No. 2
2021 / Organizational innovation capabilities. Empirical evidence from B2B contexts / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 37, No. 161
2020 / Harsh parenting during early childhood and child development / Economics & Human Biology - Vol. 36, No. 100.831
2020 / Information within coalitions: risk and ambiguity / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 69, No. 1
2020 / Credit Scoring using Three-Way Decisions with Probabilistic Rough Sets / INFORMATION SCIENCES - Vol. 507
2020 / Lane’s Algorithm Revisited / MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - Vol. 67, No. 5
2019 / Fifty years of Transportation Research journals: A bibliometric overview / Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - Vol. 120
2019 / The Place Premium: Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers / REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS - Vol. 101, No. 2
2019 / Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibria without divisible goods / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 84
2019 / Understanding affective evaluation in retail: consumers perspective / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 32, No. 4
2018 / The Joy of Flying: Efficient PPP Contracts / TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL - Vol. 114
2017 / Determinants of trust towards tourist destinations / Journal of Destination Marketing & Management - Vol. 6, No. 4
2017 / Customer Engagement in a Big Data World / Journal of Services Marketing - Vol. 31, No. 2
2017 / Existence of a competitive equilibrium when all goods are indivisible / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 72
2017 / Understanding corporate reputation through satisfaction in emerging markets / International Journal of Sales, Retailing, and Marketing - Vol. 6, No. 2
2017 / Simultaneous Preference Estimation and Heterogeneity Control for Choice-based Conjoint via Support Vector Machines / Journal of the Operational Research Society - Vol. 68, No. 11
2015 / Too arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice / ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES - No. 131
2015 / Characterization of an Ad-Hoc Geo-referenced BPM supported by Microblogging / IEEE Latin America Transactions - Vol. 13, No. 6
2015 / Advanced Conjoint Analysis using Feature Selection via Support Vector Machines / EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH - Vol. 241, No. 2
2014 / Risk and Public-Private Partnerships / CESifo DICE Report - Vol. 12, No. 3
2014 / Familiaridad con los destinos turísticos. rol de la percepción de beneficios / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 30, No. 132
2013 / Highway networks and PPPs: An alternative to traditional public provision? / Network Industries Quarterly - Vol. 15, No. 1
2013 / The Basic Public Finance of Public-Private Partnerships / Journal of the European Economic Association - Vol. 11, No. 1
2013 / Characterizing the efficient points without closedness or free-disposability / Central European Journal of Operations Research - Vol. 21, No. 2
2013 / Acculturation and Individualism as Predictors of Work-Family Conflict in a Diverse Workforce / HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW - Vol. 52, No. 5
2013 / Equilibrium with limited-recourse collateralized loans / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 53, No. 1
2012 / Development and proposal of a scale for measuring the image of tourist destinations (IMATUR) / RBGN-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios - Vol. 14, No. 45
2012 / Trust in tourist destinations. The role of local inhabitants and institutions / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 51
2012 / Mobile, Collaborative Situated Knowledge Creation for Urban Planning / SENSORS - Vol. 12, No. 5
2011 / Innovation, R&D investment and productivity in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 104
2011 / Wage inequality in Latin America: a decade of changes / Cepal Review - No. 103
2011 / The effectiveness of private school franchises in Chile's national voucher program / SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT - Vol. 22, No. 3
2011 / The determinants of labour force participation and employment in Chile / APPLIED ECONOMICS - Vol. 43, No. 21
2011 / Stock-touting through spam e-mails: a data mining case study / Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management - Vol. 22, No. 6
2011 / An Empirical Test of an Innovation Implementation Model / Psychologist-Manager Journal - Vol. 14, No. 4
2011 / Enhancing entrepreneurship. The role of goal orientation and self-efficacy / JOURNAL OF CAREER ASSESSMENT - Vol. 19, No. 2
2011 / Intergenerational income and educational mobility in urban Chile / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 38, No. 1
2011 / Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 47, No. 3
2011 / On equilibrium existence with endogenous restricted financial participation / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 47, No. 1
2011 / Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 17, No. 2
2011 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS - Vol. 48, No. 4
2010 / When Schools Are the Ones that Choose: The Effects of Screening in Chile / SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY - Vol. 91, No. 5
2010 / Cultural Factors in Women's Labor Force Participation in Chile / FEMINIST ECONOMICS - Vol. 16, No. 2
2010 / The role of performance measure noise in mediating the relation between task complexity and outsourcing / Journal of Management Accounting Research - Vol. 22, No. 1
2010 / Green accounting and sustainability of the Peruvian metal mining sector / RESOURCES POLICY - Vol. 35, No. 3
2010 / Landscape components, land use, and neighborhood satisfaction / ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN - Vol. 37, No. 3
2010 / A model updating strategy for predicting time series with seasonal patterns / APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING - Vol. 10, No. 1
2010 / New Estimates for the Shadow Economies All Over the World / International Economic Journal - Vol. 24, No. 4
2010 / Intergenerational income mobility in a less developed, high inequality context. The case of Chile / B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY - Vol. 10, No. 1
2010 / Core equivalence and welfare properties without divisible goods / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 46, No. 4
2010 / The impossibility of effective enforcement mechanisms in collateralized credit markets / JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Vol. 46, No. 3
2010 / En la misión de escoger un sistema de información de recursos humanos (IRSH) efectivo - evaluando su rol y factores claves de éxito. / Horizontes Empresariales - No. 1
2010 / Dossier: información y catástrofe / Cuadernos de información - Facultad de Comunicaciones. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Impresa) - No. 26
2009 / Multinationals and Plant Exit: Evidence from Chile / International Review of Economics & Finance - Vol. 18, No. 1
2009 / Determinants of world manufacturing to China, 1990-2006 / Cepal Review - No. 98
2009 / Agriculture and National Well-being in the World / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 76, No. 303
2009 / Determinantes de determinantes univesitario: ¿importa la habilidad relativa? / Calidad en la educación - No. 30
2009 / Renegociación de concesiones en Chile / Estudios Publicos - No. 113
2009 / Avances y Tendencias de los Gobiernos Corporativos. Estado actual de las buenas practicas en las empresas chilenas / No. 158
2009 / The role of personality and goal orientation in student preferences for job attributes / Canadian Journal of Career Development - Vol. 8, No. 1
2009 / Foreign Branding: Examining the Relationship Between language and Internacional brand Evaluations. / INNOVAR-Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales - Vol. 20, No. 35
2009 / Socio-economic and geographic profiling of crime in Chile / Cepal Review - No. 98
2009 / Determinants of consumer evaluations of brand extensions in Chile and comparison against global evidence / ESIC market : economic and business journal - No. 132
2009 / A market game approach to differential information economies / ECONOMIC THEORY - Vol. 38, No. 2
2009 / MC-Supporter: Flexible Mobile Computing Supporting Learning though Social Interactions / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 15, No. 9
2008 / Transparencia en la Gestión Pública con Tecnologías de Información / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 3, No. 6
2008 / Un Marco para la Elaboración de los Programas de Impresión y Acuñación / Economia Chilena - Vol. 11, No. 1
2008 / Estereotipos de Género en la Publicidad: Un Análisis de Contenido de las revistas Chilenas. Gender stereotypes in advertising: A content analysis of Chilean magazines / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 41
2008 / Factores determinantes en la configuración de un modelo de responsabilidad social corporativa desde la perspectiva del consumidor. Una aplicación a la industria de los supermercados / Estudios de información y control de gestión - Vol. 14, No. 1
2008 / Measuring supermarket service quality: Proposal for a scale / International Journal of Services and Standards - Vol. 4, No. 1
2008 / Exploring the dark side of information Systems in achieving organizational agility / Communications of the ACM - Vol. 51, No. 11
2008 / The real-time enterprise / HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW -
2008 / Containing cost at Codelco Chile / CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL - Vol. 129, No. 3
2008 / Chile's Codelco faces challenges / CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL - Vol. 129, No. 2
2008 / Sistema de Gestión de Personal para el Canal de Ventas de Metro S.A / Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas - Vol. 22
2008 / Market Orientation, Knowledge-Related Resources and Firm Performance / Journal of Business Research - Vol. 61, No. 6
2008 / Indice de Transparencia en la Revelación de Información publicada en el Mercado de Capitales Chilenos / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 14
2008 / The influence of institutional investors on the transparency of Chilean capital market. Influencia de los inversionistas institucionales en la transparencia del mercado de capitales chileno / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - No. 40
2008 / Redistribución de riqueza usando derechos de consumo / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 75, No. 1
2008 / Open market share repurchase and earnings management / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 15, No. 1
2008 / Forecasting and Forecast-Combining of Quarterly Earning-per-share via Genetic Programming / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 15, No. 2
2008 / The competitive role of the transmission system in price-regulated power industries / Energy Economics - Vol. 30, No. 4
2008 / Propuesta de una escala para medir la calidad del servicio de los centros de atención secundaria de salud / Revista de administración pública - Vol. 42, No. 4
2008 / Customer satisfaction and loyalty: start with the product, culminate with the brand / JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING - Vol. 25, No. 5
2008 / Wealth transfers and the role of collateral when lifetimes are uncertain / Economic Theory - Vol. 36, No. 3
2008 / Collaterallized assets and asymmetric information / Journal of Mathematical Economics - Vol. 44, No. 5
2008 / Las estrategias de mediación parental televisiva que usan los padres chilenos. Television Parental Mediation Strategies Used by Chilean Parents / Cuadernos de información - Facultad de Comunicaciones. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Impresa) - No. 23
2008 / El Product Placement como Herramienta Promocional / No. 155
2008 / Using PDA in Meetings: Patterns, Architecture and Components / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 14, No. 1
2008 / A collaborative Face-to-Face Design Support System based on Sketching and Gesturing / Advanced Engineering Informatics - Vol. 22, No. 3
2007 / Openness and the International Allocation of Foreign Direct Investment / Journal of Development Studies - Vol. 43, No. 7
2007 / Construcción de la confianza del consumidor hacia la banca en Internet. Un análisis de los factores de la imagen corporativa / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 14, No. 1
2007 / Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by Integer Programming / Interfaces - Vol. 37, No. 6
2007 / Inequality of Outcomes vs. Inequality of Opportunities in a Developing Country: An exploratory analysis for Chile. / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 34, No. 2
2007 / Logo Selection and Modification Guidelines: an empirical international validation in Chile / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 14, No. 1
2007 / Determinantes de la Estructura de Financiación. Evidencia empírica para Chile. / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 74, No. 293
2007 / Técnicas avanzadas para la predicción de la variación del Ishare MSCI Brasil Index (EWZ) / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 12
2007 / Spatial Peak-load Pricing / Energy Economics - Vol. 29, No. 2
2007 / General equilibrium in CLO markets / Journal of Mathematical Economics - Vol. 43, No. 6
2007 / Mobile sensemaking: Exploring proximity and mobile applications in the Classroom / Journal of Universal Computer Science - Vol. 13, No. 10
2007 / A Conceptual Framework Based on Activity Theory for Mobile Cscl / British Journal of Educational Technology - Vol. 38, No. 2
2007 / Third-party reactions to employee (mis)treatment: A justice perspective / Journal of Transport Economics and Policy -
2007 / Creditor Protection and Credit Response to Shocks / WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW - Vol. 21, No. 3
2007 / Concentration and foreign penetration in Latin American banking sectors: Impact on competition and risk / Journal of Banking & Finance - Vol. 31, No. 6
2007 / Bank Ownership and Performance. Does politics matter? / JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE - Vol. 31, No. 1
2006 / Libre Comercio en América Central: ¿Con Quién y Para Qué? Las Implicancias del CAFTA / No. 37
2006 / Remoteness and Real Exchange Rate Volatility / IMF STAFF PAPERS - Vol. 53
2006 / Quantifying the Costs of Investment Limits for Chilean Pension Funds / Fiscal Studies - Vol. 27, No. 1
2006 / New linkages for protected areas: Making them worth conserving and restoring / Journal for Nature Conservation - Vol. 14
2006 / Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte 1942-2005 / Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias - No. 22
2006 / La responsabilidad civil ambiental, el daño al medio ambiente y su valor: una aproximación legal y económica / Revista de derecho ambiental (Santiago. Impresa) - No. 2
2006 / Cómo Gestionar Capacidad. Una Aplicación de la Sector Salud / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 2, No. 4
2006 / Contención de Costos en Codelco Chile / Revista Contabilidad y Sistemas, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 2, No. 3
2006 / ¿Es sexista la publicidad Gráfica Chilena? Comparando evidencia internacional con la realidad chilena / No. 151
2006 / Constrained consumptions, Lipschitzian demands and regular economies / Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications - Vol. 131, No. 2
2006 / An intrinsic characterization of free disposal hypothesis / Economics Letters - Vol. 92, No. 3
2006 / A nonconvex separation property and some applications / Mathematical Programming - Vol. 108, No. 1
2006 / Does Competition in Privatized Social Services Work? The Chilean Experience / World Development - Vol. 34, No. 4
2006 / Estrategias de posicionamiento basadas en la cultura del consumidor: un análisis de la publicidad en televisión / Estudios Gerenciales - Vol. 22, No. 100
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - Vol. 4.275
2006 / Competition regimes and air transport costs: The effects of open skies agreements / Journal of International Economics - Vol. 70, No. 1
2006 / Bank Ownership and Lending Behavior / ECONOMICS LETTERS - Vol. 93, No. 2
2005 / Tax Reform for Human Development in Central America / Cepal Review - No. 87
2005 / Reforzamiento escolar para niños de bajos ingresos: ¿Funciona?
2005 / ¿Estimando el retorno a la educación o a los no observables?: Evidencia de datos de panel / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 32, No. 2
2005 / Relación entre EVA y los Retornos Accionarios de Empresas Chilenas Emisoras de ADRs / No. 149
2005 / Entendiendo las volatilidades cíclicas de la cuenta de capitales y del PIB: un estudio de panel para países latinoamericanos / Macroeconomía del Desarrollo - No. 42
2005 / Linear Penalization Support Vector Machines for Feature Selection / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - No. 3.776
2005 / Grupos Estratégicos en la Industria Vitivinícola Chilena / No. 149
2005 / Responsabilidad social y empresarial: una mirada integral / No. 150
2005 / Estimando la Demanda Residencial por Electricidad en Chile: El Consumo es Sensible al Precio / Cuadernos de Economia - Latin American Journal of Economics - Vol. 42, No. 125
2005 / El costo de falla residencial en Chile: una estimación usando la curva de demanda / Revista de Analisis Economico - Vol. 20, No. 2
2005 / Handheld-Based Electronic Meeting Support / LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE -
2005 / Dynamic grouping in collaborative learning supported by wireless handhelds / Educational Technology and Society - Vol. 8, No. 3
2005 / Limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / Transport Reviews - Vol. 25, No. 2
2004 / Agricultural Productivity and its Determinants: Revisiting International Experiences / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 31, No. 2
2004 / La utilización de opciones en los pactos de accionistas de las sociedades anónimas / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 11, No. 2
2004 / Precio Unitario: Un Difícil Comienzo / No. 147
2004 / An Integrated Framework for the Conceptualization of Consumers' Perceived Risk Processing / JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE - Vol. 32, No. 4
2004 / A Constructivist Mobile Learning Environment Supported by a Wireless Handheld Network / Journal of Computer Assisted Learning - Vol. 20, No. 4
2003 / El encaje y la entrada neta de capitales: Chile en el decenio de 1990 / Cepal Review - No. 81
2003 / The effects of privatization on firms and on social welfare: the chilean case / No. 456
2003 / Valuation of Investment Companies in Chile / Estudios de Administracion, Universidad de Chile - Vol. 10, No. 2
2002 / Collateral avoids Ponzi schemes in incomplete markets / Econometrica - Vol. 70, No. 4
2001 / Aspectos metodológicos en la investigación cross-cultural / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 26
2001 / Utilities privatization and the poor: Lessons and evidence from Latin America / World Development - Vol. 29, No. 7
2001 / A law of large numbers: Bidding and compulsory competitive tendering for refuse collection contracts / REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Vol. 18, No. 1
2000 / Foreign Investment in Developing Countries: Does it Crowd In Domestic Investment? / Oxford Development Studies - No. 146
2000 / Harvesting in a pelagic fishery: The case of Northern Chile / Annals of Operations Research - Vol. 94
1999 / La Orientación al Mercado en una nación en desarrollo: Un Estudio de Validación con Empresas Chilenas / Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion - Vol. 22
1999 / Market-Oriented Culture, Knowledge-Related Resources, Reputational Assets, and Superior Performance: A Conceptual Framework / Journal of Strategic Marketing - Vol. 7, No. 4
1998 / Regulation of Privatized Utilities: the Chilean Experience / World Development - Vol. 26, No. 6
1997 / La Política Fiscal y el Ciclo Económico / Cepal Review - Vol. 61, No. 61
1997 / The Outage Cost in Chilean Industry / Energy Economics - Vol. 19, No. 4
1994 / Regulatory ues in the Privatization of Public Utilities: the Chilean Experience / Vol. 34, No. 1
1987 / La devaluacion esperada. Una aproximación bayesiana: Chile 1974-1984 / Cuadernos de Economia - Latin American Journal of Economics - Vol. 24, No. 71
2008 / Television y Opinion Pública
2007 / Global Integration in Pursuit of Sustainable Human Development: Analytical Perspectives
2007 / Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development
2007 / A Platform For Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
2007 / Economic Growth Equity: Challenges for Latin America
2007 / Administración Estratégica y Política de Negocios Conceptos
2006 / Economic Growth with Equity. Challenges for Latin America
2006 / Business cycle responses and the resilience of the chilean economy
2005 / Políticas educacionales en Chile: Vouchers, concentración, incentivos y rendimiento
Capítulos de libros
2011 / Development of a Mobile Situation Awareness Tool Supporting Disaster Recovery of Business Operations / Vol. 13
2010 / Innovation Perspectives of a personal Financial Services Call Centre
2010 / Estrategia de desarrollo para los derechos económicos y sociales / No. 1
2010 / Seminario Reforma a la Institucionalidad Ambiental. Implicancias y desafíos
2009 / Chapter 7 Nicaragua: Remembrance of Growth Past
2009 / Chapter 1 Binding Constraints to Growth in Latin America: An Overview
2009 / La inversión extranjera: ¿hacia una política vertical ?
2009 / Economía Evolucionista : Historia y Desarrollos Recientes
2009 / The effectiveness of Franchises and Independent Private Schools in Chile´National Vouchers Program
2009 / Comentarios sobre el legado del paradigma evolutivo darwiniano en las ciencias sociales y la teoría de juegos
2008 / The struggle for tax reform in Central America
2008 / Visually- Driven Decision Making Using Handheld Devices
2008 / Realidad económica de America Latina
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / No. 4.488
2006 / Economic growth in Central America
2006 / Reforming water policies in Latin America: Some lessons from Chile and Ecuador
2006 / Air
2000 / Globalization, liberalization, and human and social development in Central America
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
2019 / Understanding affective evaluation in retail: consumers perspective
2011 / start-ups success using public funds: university versus industry sponsorship
2010 / Supporting Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Mobile Working Scenarios / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Learning with Patterns: an Effective Way to Implement Computer Supported Pervasive Learning
2010 / Integrating Spatial Data and Decision Models in a E-Planning Tool / Vol. 6.257
2010 / Geo-Referenced Collaborative Psychotherapy: Design and Evaluation of a Low-fidelity Prototype
2010 / Collaborative Geo-referenced Knowledge Creation for Designing and Planning
2009 / Patrones característicos de pymes exportadoras: comparación entre chile y españa mediante cluster difusos
2009 / Analysing Fraudulent Stock Market Manipulations. A Data Mining Case Study
2009 / Brand Personality outside the developed world: Evidence from Chile
2009 / MCPresenter: A Mobile Tool Supporting Various Collaborative Learning Practices in the Classroom
2009 / Developing Collaborative peer-to-peer Applications on Mobile Devices
2008 / A Platform Supporting the Implementation of Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations / Vol. 5.236
2008 / Computing the Information Value of Information in Non-restricted Quadratic Bayesian Games
2008 / Risk Assessment in Healthcare Collaborative Settings: A Case Study Using Shell
2008 / Evaluating a Mobile Emergency Response System. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. / Vol. 5.411
2008 / Using Mobile Devices to Foster Social Interactions in the Classroom
2008 / Supporting Crisis Management Processes by Wirelessly Interconnected Tablet-PCs
2008 / Mobile Learning with Patterns / No. 1
2008 / Mobile Collaborative Knowledge Management System
2008 / Supporting Rich Interaction in the Classroom with Mobile devices
2007 / A Framework Like a Tool for Specify Motivating Collaborative Learning Participatory Simulations
2007 / A Platform for Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications / Vol. 4.469
2007 / The Role of Market-Oriented Culture on Knowledge-Related Resources Development and Superior Performance: An Empirical Test in Latin America
2007 / A Flexible, Lightweight Middleware Supporting the Development of Distributed Applications Across Platforms
2006 / Forecasting Gold Price Changes: Rolling And Recursive Neural Network Models / Vol. 18, No. 5
2006 / A Gestures and Freehand Writing Interaction Based Electronic Meeting Support System with Handhelds / Vol. 4.275
2006 / Servicios basados en la localización: Características y su Ámbito Aplicación
2006 / Mobile Location-Based Services for Facilitating the Meeting of Persons on Request
2006 / A face-to-face system for supporting mobile collaborative design using sketches and pen-based gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2006 / An ad-hoc Wireless Network Architecture for Face-to-Face Mobile Collaborative Applications / Vol. 3.894
2006 / A face-to-face System for Supporting Mobile Collaborative Design using Sketches and Pen-Based Gestures / Vol. 22, No. 3
2004 / Charitable Behavior and Rationality: Individual Motivations for Contributing to Public Goods
Research Monographs
2014 / Urban Transport: Can Public-Private Partnerships Work? / No. 6.873
2011 / Public-private partnerships and infrastructure provision in the united states / No. 277
2010 / VaR Limits for Pension Funds: An Evaluation / No. 22.574
2010 / Equilibrium with limited-recourse collateralized loans / No. 313
2010 / On equilibrium existence in infinite horizon economies / No. 315
2010 / A direct proof of the existence of pure strategy equilibria in large generalized games with atomic players / No. 311
2010 / Intellectual property rights, human capital and the incidence of R&D expenditures / No. 5.217
2010 / Complementariedad entre TIC's e I+D: Un Análisis con Paneles Dinámicos / No. 326
2010 / The effects of lengthening the school day on female labor supply: evidence from a quasi-experiment in Chile / No. 323
2010 / Efectos de las actividades artísticas en el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y no cognitivas en estudiantes vulnerables: el caso de la orquesta de Curanilahue / No. 325
2010 / The second welfare theorem with public goods in general economies / No. 318
2010 / Diferencias en el comportamiento defensores públicos en el contexto de la reforma procesal penal chilena / No. 319
2009 / Skill Upgrading and the Real Exchange Rate / No. 519
2009 / Determinants of International New Ventures in Spain: The Case of the SMEs of Madrid
2009 / Innovation, R&D Investment and Productivity in Latin American & Caribbean Firms: The Chilean Case
2009 / Trabajadores por Cuenta Propia: ¿Quienes Son? ¿De Donde Vienen? ¿Para Donde Van? / No. 308
2009 / Pension Payouts in Chile: Past, Present, and Future Prospects
2009 / Satisfacción moral como variable explicativa de diferencias salariales en Chile / No. 301
2009 / Determinantes de los salarios en las carreras de ingeniería comercial y contador auditor / No. 299
2009 / Industrial policy in Chile / No. 294
2009 / Soft Budgets, Renegotiations and Public-Private Partnerships
2009 / Educational transitions, voucher and choice in Chile: Evidence from Panel Data SIMCE 2004-2006 / No. 13
2009 / The relationship between Inequality of Outcomes and Inequality of Opportunities in a high-inequality country: The case of Chile / No. 292
2008 / Exit in Developing countries: economic reforms and plant heterogeneity / No. 506
2008 / David versus Goliath: The impact of Chinese Competition on Developing Countries / No. 48
2008 / With additional enforcement mechanisms, does collateral avoid ponzi schemes? / No. 278
2008 / Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles / No. 284
2008 / Fiat money and the value of binding portfolio constraints / No. 283
2008 / Intellectual property rights, human capital and the incidence of R&D expenditures / No. 277
2008 / Nicaragua: A la búsqueda del crecimiento perdido / No. 275
2008 / Renegociación de concesiones en Chile / No. 262
2008 / Female labor force participation in chile: How important are cultural factors?
2008 / Business Performance and Family Ownership, the Chilean Case
2008 / Chile: Universities and the national innovation system. An initial scoping study / No. 287
2007 / Recent Findings on Intergenerational Income and Educational Mobility in Chile / No. 244
2007 / El Impacto De Estudiar Economía Sobre La Cooperación Social: Evidencia Experimental De Estudiantes Chilenos / No. 260
2007 / Social Policy, Regulation and Private Sector water supply: the case of Colombia / No. 252
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform / No. 258
2007 / Affordability and Subsidies in Public Urban Transport: What Do We Mean, What Can Be Done? / No. 4.440
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: ¿Una Década de Cambios? / No. 59
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Who's Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 234
2007 / The role of social networks in employment outcomes of Bolivian women / No. 251
2007 / Participación Laboral Femenina en Chile. ¿Cuánto importan los factores culturales? / No. 235
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: Una Década de Cambios / No. 262
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Wh´s Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 248
2006 / Evaluacion del marco institucional y de gestion ambiental en Chile
2006 / Rates of Return for Industrial R&D in Chile / No. 220
2006 / Openness and the international allocation of foreign direct investment
2006 / Determinantes de la confianza del consumidor aragonés hacia la compra a través de Internet: Un estudio confirmatorio del comportamiento de compra / No. 20
2005 / A market game approach to differential information economies / No. 512
2005 / Agriculture and National Welfare around the World / No. 3.499
2005 / Core equivalence and welfare properties without divisible goods
2005 / Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibrium without divisible goods
2005 / Indivisible goods and fiat money
2005 / Core equivalence and walfare properties without divisible goods
2004 / Movilidad Intergeneracional del Ingreso en un País en Desarrollo: El Caso de Chile / No. 210
2004 / Indivisible goods and fiat money
2003 / Choice complexity in a Stated Choice Experiment: valuing environmental resources in Chile / No. 206
2003 / Quantifyng the costs of investment limits for chilean pension funds / No. 248
2003 / The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries / No. 205
2002 / Crimen y disuasión Evidencia desde un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas para las regiones de Chile
2002 / Eficiencia técnica y escalas de operación en pesca pelágica: un análisis de fronteras estocásticas (Pesquería Centro-Sur en Chile) / No. 179
2002 / The equilibrium manifold with boundary constraints on the consumption sets
2002 / Inequality, Segregation and the Chilean Labour Market / No. 193
2002 / Chilean Labor Market Efficiency: An Earning Frontier Approach / No. 190
2001 / Yardsticks on the road: regulatory contracts and cost efficiency in the Norweian Bus Industry
1999 / Cuenta corriente y desvíos transitorios en términos de intercambio y volúmenes de exportaciones: Chile 1985-1999 / No. 49
1996 / Capital Account Regulation and Macroeconomic Policy: Two Latin American Experiences / No. 162
Columna de Opinión
2020 / Retiro del 10%
2007 / Académicos opinan sobre la IFRS: una norma más financiera que contable
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2008 / Asignación Inicial de Derechos de Propiedad sobre Recursos Naturales como Instrumento de Protección Ambiental en Chile
2007 / Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning through Participatory Simulations
2007 / Mobile Computing to Seamlessly Integrate Formal and Informal Learning
Competitive Research Awards Received
2009 / Manual de Capacitación: Pago por Servicios Ambientales en Áreas Protegidas en América Latina
2009 / Pagos por servicios ambientales en areas protegidas en América Latina
2008 / Simposio Igualdad de Oportunidades
Competitive Research Awards Received
2007 / La política social en Telecomunicaciones en Colombia / No. 22
2007 / ITQ's in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform
2007 / Colombia
2007 / When Schools Are the Ones That Choose: Policy Analysis of Screening in Chile / No. 242
Competitive Research Awards Received