Claudio Bonilla

  • Full Professor
    Academic Training
  • Ph.D. in Economics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
    Information Systems and Management Control, Universidad de Chile.
    Accountant Auditor, Universidad de Chile.

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2024 / Are annuities an inferior or normal good? Evidence from a less-developed country / Economic Analysis and Policy - Vol. 82
2021 / The Effects of Ambiguity on Entrepreneurship / Journal of Economics and Management Strategy - Vol. 30, No. 1
2015 / Economics in Latin America: A Bibliometric Analysis / SCIENTOMETRICS - Vol. 105, No. 2
2014 / Financial Markets and Politics: The Piñera Effect on the Chilean Capital Market / EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE - Vol. 50, No. 1
2014 / Insurance demand and first order risk increases under (µ, s)-preferences / Finance Research Letters - Vol. 11, No. 3
2012 / Emprendimiento y Calidad Institucional en Latinoamérica. Management Made in Chile.
2011 / Financiamiento público al emprendimiento en Chile: un estudio exploratorio / Revista Trend Management - Vol. 13, No. 4
2011 / Episodic Non-linearities and Market Efficiency in the Mexican Stock Market / MANCHESTER SCHOOL - Vol. 79, No. 3
2010 / Impact of a seed capital program in chile / Leadership - Vol. 7, No. 24
2009 / Factores claves en la rápida internacionalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Chile
2009 / Factores claves en la rápida internacionalización de las pymes en chile / HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW -
2008 / Gestión responsable del negocio. Una perspectiva operacional de la resposabilidad social empresarial / Estudios de información y control de gestión - No. 14
2007 / Costos directos en las quiebras. El caso Chileno. Direct cost of bankruptcy. The Chilean case / CAPIC REVIEW - Vol. 5
2005 / Los Costos de Quiebras en Chile / Estudios de información y control de gestión - Vol. 9, No. 2
Book Chapters
2012 / No Linealidad en los Retornos Accionarios de Chile
Academic/Professional meeting Proceedings
2012 / Family ownership and firm performance: evidence from public companies in Chile and Peru
2011 / The Impact of the Seed Capital Program of SERCOTEC in Chile / No. 279
2010 / exploring the determinants of the international new ventures in spain / Vol. 3
2009 / El efecto del capital social en la confianza y el desempeño económico
Research Monographs
2009 / Determinants of International New Ventures in Spain: The Case of the SMEs of Madrid
2008 / Business Performance and Family Ownership, the Chilean Case
2008 / The Missing Carrot in Chile's Subsidized Private Education Sector
Academic/Professional meeting Presentations
2016 / Economics in Latin America: A university analysis
2012 / Entrepreneurship and Institutional Quality: Measuring value added in the economy