Dante Contreras

  • Full Professor
    Academic Training
  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, Los Angeles.
    Master of Arts in Economics, University of California, Los Angeles.
    Bachelor Economics (Commercial Engineering), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 

Publications in Magazines with Editorial Committee
2025 (Forthcoming) / Early maternity and paternity. Effects on educational trajectories / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS - Vol. 173, No. 103.404
2024 / Is private education worth it? Evidence from school-to-work transitions in Chile / LABOUR ECONOMICS - Vol. 90, No. 102.598
2023 (Forthcoming) / Tackling wealth accumulation in a context of social upheaval: the property tax in Chile / CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES-REVUE CANADIENNE D ETUDES DU DEVELOPPEMENT -
2022 / The consequences of exclusionary discipline on school dropout: Evidence from Chile / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 95
2021 / Determinants of early childhood stimulation: Evidence using panel data from Chile / Early Childhood Research Quarterly - Vol. 57
2020 / The effect of the integration of students with special educational needs: Evidence from Chile / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 74, No. 102.163
2020 / Labor Market Returns to Student Loans for University: Evidence from Chile / Journal of Labor Economics - Vol. 38, No. 4
2020 / Harsh parenting during early childhood and child development / Economics & Human Biology - Vol. 36, No. 100.831
2019 / The impact of art-education on human Capital: An empirical assessment of a youth orchestra / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 71, No. 102.105
2019 / Is home overcrowding a significant factor in children's academic performance? Evidence from Latin America / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 67
2017 / Inequality of Opportunities at Early Ages: Evidence from Chile / JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - Vol. 53, No. 10
2017 / Effect of Lengthening the School Day on Mother's Labor Supply / WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW - Vol. 31, No. 3
2017 / Self-employment and queues for wage work: evidence from Chile / Journal of International Development - Vol. 29, No. 4
2016 / Trayectoria Negativa de la Clase Media: México 2002-2009 / Revista Estudios de Políticas Públicas - Vol. 4
2016 / Bullying, identity and school performance: Evidence from Chile / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 51
2015 / Income Inequality or Performance Gap? A Multilevel Study of School Violence in 52 Countries / JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH - Vol. 57, No. 5
2015 / Determinants of early child development in Chile: Health, cognitive and demographic factors / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Vol. 40
2012 / Terremoto y sus efectos sobre el bienestar: un análisis multidimensional / REVISTA PERSONA Y SOCIEDAD - Vol. 26, No. 1
2012 / Tournament Incentives for Teachers: Evidence from a Scaled-Up Intervention in Chile / ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE - Vol. 61, No. 1
2012 / Impact Evaluation of Chile Solidario: Lessons and Policy Recommendations / JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES - Vol. 44
2011 / Wage inequality in Latin America: a decade of changes / Cepal Review - No. 103
2011 / The effectiveness of private school franchises in Chile's national voucher program / SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT - Vol. 22, No. 3
2011 / Anti-Crime Programs: An Evaluation of the Comuna Segura Program / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 38, No. 2
2011 / The determinants of labour force participation and employment in Chile / APPLIED ECONOMICS - Vol. 43, No. 21
2010 / When Schools Are the Ones that Choose: The Effects of Screening in Chile / SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY - Vol. 91, No. 5
2010 / Cultural Factors in Women's Labor Force Participation in Chile / FEMINIST ECONOMICS - Vol. 16, No. 2
2009 / Determinantes de determinantes univesitario: ¿importa la habilidad relativa? / Calidad en la educación - No. 30
2008 / Scaling up in Chile / Education Next - Vol. 8, No. 3
2008 / The Dynamics of Poverty in Chile / JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES - Vol. 40
2008 / Crecimiento Pro Pobre en Chile / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 75, No. 300
2007 / Empleo por cuenta propia en Chile, tendencias de largo plazo y cambios en la estructura educacional y etaria / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 34, No. 2
2007 / Refuerzo escolar para niños pobres: ¿Funciona? / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 74, No. 293
2006 / En busca del oro: ¿Que determina el éxito en competencia deportivas internacionales? / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 73, No. 290
2005 / Reforzamiento escolar para niños de bajos ingresos: ¿Funciona?
2005 / Female Labour Force Participation in Greater Santiago, Chile: 1957-1997. A synthetic cohort analysis / Journal of International Development - Vol. 17, No. 2
2005 / ¿Estimando el retorno a la educación o a los no observables?: Evidencia de datos de panel / Estudios de Economia - Vol. 32, No. 2
2004 / Trade openness and the female worker: The case of Chile
2003 / Water subsidy policies: A comparison of the Chilean and Colombian schemes / World Bank Economic Review - Vol. 17, No. 3
2003 / Water Subsidy Policies: A comparison of the Chilean and Colombian schemes / WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW - Vol. 17, No. 3
1999 / Los Activos y Recursos de la PoblaciónPobre en América Latina:El Caso de Chile / TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO - Vol. 66, No. 263
2015 / Las Nuevas Políticas de Protección Social en Chile
2005 / Políticas educacionales en Chile: Vouchers, concentración, incentivos y rendimiento
Book Chapters
2014 / Social Policies: From Social Debt to Welfare State?
2012 / El Capital Cultural Familiar y su influencia sobre las habilidades Lectoras
2012 / Desarrollo con Cohesión Social en América Latina
2011 / Desigualdad y políticas educacionales: desde la Ley de subvención escolar preferenciala una subvención escolar pública
2009 / When Schools Are the Ones That Choose: Policy Analysis of Screening in Chile
2009 / The effectiveness of Franchises and Independent Private Schools in Chile´National Vouchers Program
2009 / Poverty, Inequality, and Welfare in a Rapid-Growth Economy: The Chilean Experience
Research Monographs
2013 / Migración y Mercado Laboral en Chile / Vol. 376
2012 / Female Labor Supply and Child Care Supply in Chile / Vol. 370
2010 / The effects of lengthening the school day on female labor supply: evidence from a quasi-experiment in Chile / No. 323
2010 / Efectos de las actividades artísticas en el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y no cognitivas en estudiantes vulnerables: el caso de la orquesta de Curanilahue / No. 325
2009 / Tournaments, gift exchanges, and the effect of monetary incentive for teachers: the case of Chile
2009 / The evolution of opportunities for children in Chile 1990-2006 / No. 297
2009 / Informal Jobs and Contribution to Social Security: Evidence from a Double Selection Model / No. 307
2009 / Evidence of neighborhood effects on educational performance in the chilean school voucher system / No. 302
2009 / Evidence for inequality of opportunities. A cohort analysis for Chile / No. 298
2009 / Educational transitions, voucher and choice in Chile: Evidence from Panel Data SIMCE 2004-2006 / No. 13
2008 / The Missing Carrot in Chile's Subsidized Private Education Sector
2008 / Female labor force participation in chile: How important are cultural factors?
2007 / Crecimiento Pro Pobre en Chile / No. 239
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: ¿Una Década de Cambios? / No. 59
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Who's Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 234
2007 / The role of social networks in employment outcomes of Bolivian women / No. 251
2007 / Participación Laboral Femenina en Chile. ¿Cuánto importan los factores culturales? / No. 235
2007 / Dinámica de la Pobreza y Movilidad Relativa de los ingresos: Chile 1996 - 2001 / No. 232
2007 / Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: Una Década de Cambios / No. 262
2007 / Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Wh´s Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity / No. 248
2002 / Programas antidelincuencia: Evaluando comuna segura
2002 / Poverty and inequality in Chile 1990-1998: Learning from Microeconomic simulations
2002 / Inequality, Segregation and the Chilean Labour Market / No. 193
2002 / Functional literacy and quality of life in Chile
2002 / Functional literacy and job opportunities / No. 195
2002 / Chilean Labor Market Efficiency: An Earning Frontier Approach / No. 190
2001 / Evaluating a Voucher System in Chile: Individual, Family and School Characteristics
2000 / Tasa de participación femenina: 1957 - 1997. Un análisis de cohortes sintéticos
2000 / En busca del Oro: ¿Qué determina el éxito en competencias deportivas internacionales?
Columna de Opinión
2017 / Esta es es una campaña bastante decepcionante, de menor calidad que presidenciales anteriores
2017 / La desigualdad en Chile según "Desiguales"
2017 / Buenas noticias en el MDS
2017 / Pobreza, hacinamiento y educación
2017 / Calidad y precios de las universidades chilenas
2017 / Agnotology y nuestra "elite" intelectual
2016 / Completando la reforma escolar
2012 / Casen 2011: dudas confirmadas
2012 / Malas prácticas y la Casen
2011 / Educación pre escolar: información y diseño de política públicas
2011 / Un buen paquete de reformas
2011 / No sigamos improvisando
2011 / Ingreso ético familiar, al diván
2011 / Chile y sus relaciones internacionales
2011 / Chile: 7% peor
2011 / Ingreso ético familiar
2009 / Políticas Públicas para la familia
2008 / La clave: educar con los mejores
Competitive Research Awards Received
2021 / Medium and long-term consequences of youth debt in Chile. Causal estimates from a fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design
2019 / Tax-Benefit Model (CHILMOD)
2014 / Efectos del bullying sobre el rendimiento escolar / No. 1.140.918
Professional practice standards or Public Policy
Competitive Research Awards Received
Competitive Research Awards Received
2007 / When Schools Are the Ones That Choose: Policy Analysis of Screening in Chile / No. 242
Professional practice standards or Public Policy
2006 / Movilidad y vulnerabilidad en Chile / No. 56
Competitive Research Awards Received