29 de April, 2019
FEN develops new Institutional Gender Policy
FEN approved the Institutional Policy against Sexual Harassment and Discrimination by Gender or Sexual Orientation. This new regulation began to be developed in late 2016 by a Triestamental Table composed of representatives of the different actors in FEN´s community, and with the creation in 2018 of the Office of Gender and Sexual Diversity (OGDIS).
According to Dean José De Gregorio, “it is an achievement that we have earned together. One of my first initiatives since I became Dean was the creation of OGDIS and, today, having this gender policy after so many sessions of joint, thoughtful and collaborative work generates great satisfaction. This policy is a contribution to the good coexistence among those who make up our School, and this will provide greater security and equality for everyone."
It is worth noting that this is the first policy on matters of sexual harassment and arbitrary discrimination drawn up by a School. Although it embraces the institutional policy against sexual harassment of the University of Chile (DEX 19942), it also considers aspects particular to FEN.
Subject to respective specifications, the policy covers the entire School including students, academics, lecturers, officials, authorities and external collaborative staff. One of the main commitments is to ensure a safe and equitable work and study environment in terms of gender, sexual orientation and gender identity.
The Director of the School of Information Systems and Auditing, Verónica Pizarro, stressed the importance of the joint and collaborative work that was achieved at the Triestamental Table, in which the voices and opinions of each group were included. ''I want to thank those who enabled us to reach this policy and its approval. I believe that the work of the students and those in charge of this gender policy was one of great effort and perseverance, under the conviction that what we were doing was something positive for our community.''
Prevention is one of the fields of action of this policy. It promotes the visibility and modification of discriminatory behaviours, harassment and/or gender violence, using the current regulations.
The new policy also proposes the creation of an Advisory Council, made up of three groups: students, academics and collaborative staff, including the Undergraduate and Graduate Schools. This Advisory Council will support, advise and follow up on the administrative processes to comply with the scope of this policy.
Through collaborative work with OGDIS, this policy will be integrated within the Schools, in order to implement initiatives and activities that include all departments, offices and units at FEN.
The new regulations aim to promote the permanent updating of training tools that ensure the development of educational processes that are free of gender violence, taking into account all the physical and relational spaces at FEN.
This new document formalizes the work and progress that the School has had in terms of gender issues, and will nurture a more respectful, inclusive culture that safeguards the dignity of the people who make up the School of Economics and Business of the Universidad de Chile.
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