22 de April, 2020
SCimago Ranking 2020: Universidad de Chile confirms leadership for 12th consecutive year
SCimago Ranking 2020: Universidad de Chile confirms leadership for 12th consecutive year
The Universidad de Chile has achieved 12 years of leadership at the top of the Scimago Ranking, one of the most prestigious classifications in the world. The 2020 edition of this ranking, which analyzes the volume and quality of research, innovation and social impact, ranked our University as the first in the country and among the eight best in Latin America, along with Brazilian institutions, such as the University of Sao Paulo and the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Once again, one of the best performing areas of the Universidad de Chile was research, an area where it reached position No. 233 in the world and 7th in Latin America. It also stood out in the social impact dimension, with the 170th place in the world and 9th at the regional level, while in innovation it was ranked 477th. These results allowed the institution to be ranked 473rd in the general ranking.
Leader in Healthcare
The Clinical Hospital of the Universidad de Chile, meanwhile, was highlighted as the No. 1 health facility in the country and 12th in Latin America. For the 2nd consecutive year, the hospital reached national leadership in this area, surpassing the Clinica Alemana and the Clinica Las Condes in Santiago.
This year, the Clinical Hospital also climbed to No. 10 in the country in the ranking that measures institutions from all sectors (government, health, education, and others). In this ranking, both the Advanced Centre for Chronic Diseases (centre of excellence in joint research between the Universidad de Chile and the Catholic University) and the Millennium Scientific Initiative Program (in which the Universidad Chile is a leader in terms of participation), achieved joint 3rd place.
About SCImago
The SCImago International Ranking of Institutions, one of the most internationally recognized rankings in the world, analyses 12 objective variables grouped into 3 areas. The most important of these, with a 50 percent weighting, corresponds to the variables related to the quality and volume of research carried out. The other two areas evaluated by the ranking include the production associated with innovation and the social impact of each entity, with 30 percent and 20 percent weighting, respectively.
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