02 de October, 2020
Webinar FEN-MIT: "The third pillar and the covid crisis"
This October 2, a new online seminar was held between the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN) of the University of Chile and the MIT Sloan Latin America Office.
Under the title "The Third Pillar and the Covid Crisis", presented Raghuram Rajan, economist and professor of Finance at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.
Rajan's presentation was commented on by José De Gregorio, FEN dean and former president of the Central Bank, and Roberto Rigobon, professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and an expert on financial crises and their spread.
Rajan was Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund and was also President of the Central Bank of India. In 2005 he issued a warning to the Federal Reserve in which he predicted the financial crisis of 2008.
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