07 de July, 2017
FEN hosts the ‘BALAS’ Annual Conference for 2017
Over 200 participants from a dozen countries took part in this three day event, hosted this year by our School, gathering together academics, managers and decisionmakers from Brazil, Mexico, Japan and further afield.
BALAS (The Business Association of Latin American Studies) is the first international association of business and economics dedicated exclusively to the study of economics, management, leadership and industry in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The conference, which was extremely productive, involved a range of activities including the presentation of some fascinating papers making a considerable contribution to the field.
Featured speakers included Óscar Landerretche (President of the Board of Codelco); Hans Eben (Director of Business), Peter Brews (Dean of the Marla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, USA), Alejandro Micco (Vice-Minister of the Treasury) and Joseph Ramos (President of the National Comission on Productivity, and full Professor at the School).
During the event it was announced that next year’s BALAS conference will take place in San Diego, USA.
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