28 de June, 2021
FEN obtains -once more- AACSB accreditation for the next 5 years
For the second year in a row, the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universidad de Chile will receive this international quality seal for the next 5 years (the maximum possible) thanks to its excellence in different processes of continuous improvement in line with its mission in areas such as teaching, research, curriculur development, and student learning.
Business Schools accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) are considered the best schools globally. Less than 5% of the 13,000 business schools in the world manage to obtain it.
Being one of the most selective and demanding accreditations, FEN has once again demonstrated its education of excellence at all levels: undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education, deploying an academic faculty body and high-level professional staff that contribute to the achievement of the mission, which is to instruct competent, upright leaders with solid theoretical and practical knowledge in economics and business, through our undergraduate, graduate and executive development programs; becoming influential stakeholders in the country and abroad.
The dean of FEN, José De Gregorio pointed out that “we are very happy to have obtained the re-accreditation, since it ratifies the constant commitment that we have as a Faculty to quality and excellence in each of the activities we carry out. This achievement is mainly due to our faculty and collaborative staff, who with their serious and responsible work, contribute every day to make FEN one of the best faculties of Economics and Business in Latam”.
In addition, Dean De Gregorio added that "we also especially thank the Chancellor of the University, Ennio Vivaldi, and all the members of our FEN community who participated in the multiple meetings with the peer evaluators."
The AACSB accreditation process is currently based on 15 quality standards that business schools or colleges must meet to ensure excellence and continuous improvement of the education they offer. Its criteria are focused on continuous progress in the management of education through three main pillars: innovation, impact and commitment.
Given the wide range of programs offered by the Faculty, obtaining accreditation meant an effort in coordination, alignment and approval of processes, criteria and reports, among many other factors, however, for FEN it is a great pride and commitment acquired by all its members, since it not only means meeting one of the highest objectives, forming competent leaders in the fields of economics and business, but also ensuring that students are provided with high quality standards, supporting them in their growth and recognition worldwide.
Why is AACSB accreditation important?
- It is a symbol of educational excellence and allows us to differentiate and position ourselves from other business schools around the world, demonstrating quality, excellence and diligence in areas that include academics, research and study plans.
-Being part of a FEN program in undergraduate, graduate or executive education accredited by AACSB, means that the program achieved high quality standards, and at the same time, it shows that its members receive education of excellence, and peers and employers around the world will know that this has real value.
-Those who study in an institution with AACSB certification become part of a first level international network, having access to more and better student exchange programs and work opportunities in Chile and the world.
-Generates a positive impact on FEN program national and international ranking positions, standing out as an important element to consider within the evaluation criteria.
-Generates greater and better opportunities for international agreements, student exchanges and access to research centers with other accredited educational institutions.
-Creates opportunities for growth and collaboration between peers and the business community, connecting leaders from academia and the industry to share knowledge and best practices.
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