08 de October, 2024
FEN Uchile and Columbia University Honor Distinguished Economists Manuel Agosín and Joseph Ramos
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN) at the University of Chile and Columbia University recently paid tribute to two of FEN’s most distinguished former deans, Manuel Agosín and Joseph Ramos, both Columbia alumni. The emotional ceremony, attended by key figures such as Rosa Devés, the Rector of the University of Chile; Sergio Olavarrieta, Vice-Rector of Economic and Institutional
Affairs; Nicolás Grau, Minister of Economy and a FEN alumni; and Antonio Campaña, Director of Columbia Global Center Santiago, highlighted the profound academic and personal contributions these two economists have made to Chilean education and the training of future generations of professionals.
José De Gregorio, the current Dean of FEN, underscored the lasting impact of both honorees on the modernization of the faculty: "Everything we do today builds on the foundations laid by Joseph and Manuel. Their exemplary leadership advanced our infrastructure and shaped the education of new generations".
Manuel Agosín, expressing his gratitude, emphasized his commitment to innovation and the ongoing progress of the faculty. "This is a faculty that is constantly in motion, always striving to improve what we do", he said. His leadership, spanning two terms as dean, was pivotal in driving internationalization programs and enhancing the academic infrastructure, leaving a lasting legacy at
Born in New York in 1943, Agosín earned his Commercial Engineering degree from the University of Chile in 1966 before continuing his studies at Columbia University, where he completed a Master of Arts and a Ph.D. in Economics between 1969 and 1972. A professor emeritus at the University of Chile and a FEN academic since 1992, Agosín is a specialist in international economics, macroeconomics, and economic development. His tenure as dean from 2010 to 2018 was marked by a transformative vision, including the introduction of the Priority Admission System for Educational Equity (SIPEE), which opened new opportunities for students from
technical-vocational schools and promoted greater equity in access to the faculty.
Additionally, his push for internationalization tripled the number of students participating in exchange programs and established over 100 partnerships with prestigious universities worldwide. Under his leadership, FEN made significant strides in infrastructure, positioning itself as a global reference.
Joseph Ramos, reflecting on his extensive academic career, shared anecdotes and highlighted the importance of the opportunities he encountered along the way.
"Columbia changed my life, and I owe that opportunity to a sergeant who encouraged me to keep going. Its been a privilege to shape so many generations and contribute to improving education in Chile", he remarked. Both honorees spoke to the lasting influence of the institutions that shaped them and how these values inspired them throughout their careers.
Born in Philadelphia in 1938, Ramos pursued his academic career in New York, earning a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia College, a BS in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the same institution.
Professor emeritus at the University of Chile and a FEN academic since 1999. He served as dean from 2002 to 2006, a role he took on after receiving Chilean citizenship by grace. Ramos tenure was marked by a comprehensive renewal of the faculty, including upgrades in infrastructure, technology, and a curriculum overhaul that had not been updated in 15 years. He also spearheaded the internationalization process, implementing mandatory English-language courses for students. Under his leadership, the facultys name was changed from the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (FACEA) to the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN), a shift that better reflects its identity and mission.
One of Ramos’ most significant contributions was the founding of the School of Talents (EDT) in 2013. This initiative, developed under FEN’s auspices, seeks to identify outstanding students from technical-vocational high schools and provide them with comprehensive training to help them enter, succeed in, and graduate
from higher education.
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