12 de August, 2024
German PhD Students Visit FEN for International Startup League (ISUL)
Two PhD students from the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany, recently spent two weeks at FEN in Chile, enriching their ongoing research projects through collaboration and international experience.
Maike Netscher and Stephanie Jordan were in Chile as part of the International Startup League (ISUL), a project that brings together leading higher education institutions from around the world with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.
Maike Netscher highlighted that their visit to FEN was inspired by Diana Sánchez’s participation in the DAAD program at HNU the previous year. "Together with Diana Sánchez (FEN, Chile), my colleague Stephanie Jordan (HNU, Germany), and Latifa Mednini (Sfax, Tunisia), we are conducting a joint research project on AI-based advertising. FEN Uchile is a forward-thinking institution, making it an ideal location for our female research team".
Stephanie Jordan expressed her admiration for FEN's academic standards, stating, "The overall quality and academic level at FEN are impressive and align well with my doctoral studies. The faculty and available resources provide a rich environment for advanced research and academic growth. This experience will undoubtedly enhance my PhD program by exposing me to new perspectives, methodologies, and collaborations that are essential to my research. The experience has been deeply enriching both academically and culturally. I would highly recommend this exchange program to others looking to expand their research horizons and benefit from FEN's high academic standards and collaborative opportunities".
This collaboration highlights the international reach and academic excellence of FEN, providing a platform for global exchange and cutting-edge research.
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