07 de July, 2017
Ranking RePEc: FEN professors continue to feature among 5% most cited scholars worldwide
The Universidad de Chile’s School of Economics and Business once again leads Chile and South America in citation of its publications, according to the most recent RePEc rankings published in April 2017. The ranking, which stands for ‘Research Papers in Economics’, is published by economics indexing database IDEAS. The project draws on voluntary collaboration from around the world to improve the free dissemination of research in economics.
Its global ranking of the world’s most cited economists features three School academics in the top 5%: José De Gregorio, Eduardo Engel, and Ramón López.
Professor José De Gregorio was ranked first in Chile and Latin America, while Professor Eduardo Engel features in third place for the region, and second place nationally.
Other School professors highly ranked in the national listing included: Ramón López (3rd);Alejandro Micco (7th);Rodrigo Valdés (8th); Roberto Álvarez (11th); Manuel Agosin (19th); Pablo Serra (22nd); Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (26th); Dante Contreras (31st); Romulo Chamucero (32nd); Claudio Bravo- Ortega (34th); Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez (35th), Andrés Gómez Lobos (43rd), Daniel Hojman (54th); Eugenio Figueroa (76th); Javier Núñez (83rd); Fabian Duarte (88th) y Álvaro García (95th).
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